In order to keep the research project manageable and share the work load among the project members several work packages (including 4 PhD candidates) have been designed that will each be coordinated by two of the project promoters.
The project is articulated around several workpackages (including 4 doctoral theses), each of them is managed by two project promoters.
Download details of workpackages
Typology: what are (dis)fluency markers? (L. Degand & A.C. Simon).
Development of a cross-linguistically valid framework for the description of (dis)fluency markers for spoken and signed languages, in native and learner varieties.
Towards a shared multi-linear annotation scheme : Corpus design and annotation.
Development of an annotation scheme and database for the annotated examples, taking into account the framework developed in WP1.
Discourse markers as (dis)fluency markers (L. Crible, L. Degand, G. Gilquin).
PhD candidate Ludivine Crible is exploring the cross-linguistic analysis of discourse markers (English/French) as potential markers of (dis)fluency.
(Dis)Fluency in native and learner speech (A. Dumont, G. Gilquin, S. Granger).
PhD candidate Amandine Dumont inverstigates fluency profiles in English learner language in comparison with native learner speech.
(Dis)Fluency in Signed Language (I. Notarrigo, L. Meurant, A.C. Simon).
Ingrid Notarrigo focuses on the development of the notion of (dis)fluency for Belgian French Signed Language (LSFB).
Les recherches d'Ingrid Notarrigo se focalisent sur le dévelopement de la notion de (dis)fluence en langue des signes de Belgique francophone (LSFB).
Prosodic markers of (dis)fluency in French native Speech (Grosman, I. L. Degand & A.C Simon)
PhD candidate Iulia grosman investigates how prosody and syntax participate to the overall perception of fluency for native french speakers in a variety of situations.
Le doctorat de Iulia Grosman étudie la contribution de la prosodie et syntaxe à la perception de la (dis)fluence chez les locuteurs francophones natifs dans une variété de situation.
Synthesis and perspectives (L. Degand, S. Granger)
The final project will integrate the findings developed in each research project into global framework.
Le projet final intègrera les conclusions dévelopées dans chaque projet individuel à l'intérieur d'un cadre commun d'analyse.