May 04, 2018
85 € (students 10 €)
Controls and Hospitality. Towards Migration Policies which Strengthen Contemporary Democracy.
The symposium questions international migration law and policies in light of the evolution of contemporary democracies. As the title says, controls and hospitality are put on an equal footing to demonstrate the need to overcome a logic of opposition, of confrontation between these notions. As for the dialectic between sovereignty and human rights, it is necessary to explore possible ways of reconciling controls and hospitality. This Symposium is the result of the International Francqui Professor Chair awarded to Pr. François Crépeau.
François Crépeau (McGill, Canada)
Holder of the Hans & Tamar Oppenheimer Chair in Public International Law, at the Faculty of Law of McGill University, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants from 2011 to 2017, François Crépeau is at the Université Catholique de Louvain from January to June 2018 as part of the International Francqui Professor Chair for Human Sciences, organised in collaboration with seven Belgian universities (UCLouvain, KULeuven, UAntwerpen, UGent, ULiège, USt-Louis Brussels, ULBrussels). He is staying at the Centre Charles De Visscher pour le droit international et européen (CeDIE), within the Équipe droits européens et migrations (EDEM).
Practical Information
Registration required: below.
85 euros including coffee breaks and lunch.
10 euros (without lunch) for students.
Languages: French and English.
9.00 Welcome
9.30 Opening
Presidence: Jean-Yves Carlier, Professor, UCL.
Pierre Jadoul, Dean of the University Saint Louis Brussels. (FR)
Dana Samson, Pro-Rector for International Affairs, UCLouvain. (EN)
9.45 Launch
Paul Lagarde, Professor Emeritus, Paris 1 Sorbonne. (FR)
10.00 Border Control
Francesco Maiani, Associate Professor, University of Lausanne. (EN)
László Trócsányi, Professor, University of Szeged, Minister of Justice, Hungary. (FR)
10.40 Discussions
11.00 Break
11.30 Risk Control
Presidence : Patrick Wautelet, Professor, ULg.
Didier Bigo, Professor, King’s College, London and Sciences Po, Paris. (FR)
Christiane Hoehn, Principal advisor to the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator. (EN)
12.10 Discussions
12.30 Why control?
François Crépeau, Professor, McGill. (FR)
12.45 Lunch
WORKSHOPS: Migration and Hospitality Management
14.00 Introductory presentations 14.30-16.00 Discussions
1. Before Migration, Development?What are the links between migration and development? These two questions should be designed and managed simultaneously. Presidence: Philippe De Bruycker, Professor, ULB, Coordinator of the Odysseus network. Speakers
2. During Migration, Chance or Governance?The reality of migration and judicial decisions reveal that a great deal is left to chance. Is a coherent migration governance possible? Presidence: Dirk Vanheule, Dean of the Faculty of Law, UAntwerpen. Speakers
3. After Migration, Hospitality, Agency, Nationality?Recognition of others has always been a stabilizing factor in social relations. Can it be achieved through hospitality to migrants? Presidence: Denis Duez, Professor, University Saint-Louis Brussels. Speakers
16.00 Break
16.30 Round Table: the Role of the Judge
Recognition of migrants as members of society, as rights holders, is often based on the pronoucements of the judicial institution. What is its role?
Presidence: László Trócsányi, Professor, University of Szeged, Minister of Justice, former judge of the Constitutional Court of Hungary.
Melchior Wathelet, First Advocate General to the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Paul Lemmens, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights.
Jacques Jaumotte, President of the State Council.
Serge Bodart, First President of the Aliens Litigation Council.
Sylvie Sarolea, Professor, UCL, lawyer.
17.30 And beyond?
François Crépeau, Professor, McGill.
18.00 End