Chair in Digital Marketing

In February 2016, the Louvain School of Management and the IPM group launched the IPM Digital Marketing chair. Professor Ingrid PONCIN is in charge this chair and a member of Center of Excellence on Consumers and Marketing Strategy (CCMS) and LouRIM.

The digital Marketing Chair is dedicated both to research in digital marketing more specifically consumer behavior and experience in the digital world, personalization, Gamification, Cocreation, value creation and adoption of new technologies as well as Ethics concerns in the digital context.

Research has been published in French academic journals (Recherche et Applications en Marketing (RAM), Revue Française du Marketing, …) as well as in International journals such as Journal of Advertising, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Information & Management, Technological Forecasting and Social change and Journal of Business Research. Research progress are regularly presented in international and national academic conferences and published in their proceedings (Advances in Consumer Research, European Marketing Academy, Association Française de Marketing and Academy of Marketing Science).

In terms of students training, the IPM Digital Marketing Chair offers a Digital marketing master specialization to students in Management sciences and Business engineering. The IPM Digital Marketing chair provides students a both theoretical and professional framework by offering a 8-months immersion into the professional life during their master degree. The aim is to get students reading for their future Digital marketing professional experience.

During the 2016-2017 academic year, fifteen companies decided to take part to this project and to welcome students in their Digital marketing department: Renault, Voo, Orange, Loterie nationale, Kids&Us, Generali, FCA, PartenaMut, Altissia, Media Markt, Intermarché, L’Oréal, Croix-Rouge, Club Med and Marsh.

