In a final meeting between the PhD student and his/her steering committee (CA), the overall progress of the thesis is evaluated. If the CA considers that the PhD's research work and the 45 credits of doctoral training program (excluding defenses) have been completed, the "writing authorization” is given.
During this meeting, the members of the CA will also :
• decides about the thesis layout
• propose a jury composition
Once the date and place are fixed, the student communicates this information to the administrative coordinator and SHALL PROVIDE his/her doctoral training form.
When the writing authorization is given, the PhD administrative coordinator will send you the thesis template with which you have to comply. The format and the cover of the thesis are standardized for the Health Sciences sector. You will receive a ‘word’ template for the layout of your thesis, a file called ‘infos couvertures theses-santé’ regarding the cover as well as a memento created to help you.