Different steps of the PhD in Health Sciences


  Steps Actions and web links

Identification of a promoter and of a thesis subject

Consultation of the website of the different research institutes, meeting with researchers


Application to doctoral school

The PhD-candidate and the promoter complete the request for admission and send it to the administrative coordinator of the PhD program. 


UCLouvain registration

At the same time, a request for admission at UCLouvain has to be completed.


Examination of the application

The dossier is reviewed by the disciplinary commission. The decision of the commission is validated by the CDD who grants a provisional or definitive admission to the doctoral school. A Steering Committee (CA) is proposed.


Outcome of the application

The administrative coordinator informs the PhD candidate about the decision and sends him·er the relevant documents. 

When admission is granted

Registration at UCLouvain

The PhD- candidate enrols and pays the (full) tuition fees at the enrolment office.


Meetings with the Steering Committee

The PhD student and his·er Steering Committee (CA) interact at least once a year.


Mid-term evaluation (confirmation test)

Within a maximum period of 24 months after the (definitive) admission to the PhD programme, the student must organize a mid-term evaluation. The purpose of this evaluation is to determine whether the research work has progressed sufficiently to consider completing a PhD within a reasonable timeframe. The CA allows (or not) the student to continue his·er research work; a maximum period of 12 months ca nbe set for the student to retake the mid-term evaluation.


Writing authorization and composition of the jury

In a final meeting between the PhD student and his·er CA, permission to write a draft manuscript of the thesis is given. The composition of the jury is proposed.


Validation of the jury by the Rector

The PhD administrative coordinator informs the PhD student and the promoter about the validation (or not) of the jury by the Rector. 


Private defence

The PhD student sends his·er manuscript to the jury members one month before the date of the private defence. The candidate defends his·er thesis orally. The jury allows (or not) the publication of the thesis; corrections are generally suggested.


Public defence

The jury approves the final version of the thesis. The candidate presents his·er thesis in public. This last step is taken at least one month after the private defence.



The diploma is signed by the Rector and provided to the candidate  a couple of weeks after the public defence.