Actualités du site euro
10 juillet 2020
Guest seminar on European values at the College of...
In July 2020 Wim Weymans gave a 2-hour guest seminar on “European values” at the College of Europe (Bruges) as part of their yearly one-week “intensive seminar on the EU” training program. The seminar was entitled “The potential and limitations of promoting European values” and involved lively...
Cliquez pour en savoir plus 21 mai 2019
5 June 2019 (6pm at Bozar): A conversation with Luuk van...
A conversation with Luuk van Middelaar about European Values after the elections (5 June 2019, 6pm at Bozar)
Luuk van Middelaars new book, Alarums and Excursions, is a groundbreaking account of the European Union’s crisis politics. Heleen Touquet (UAntwerp) and Wim Weymans (UCLouvain), the...
Cliquez pour en savoir plus 17 mai 2019
Elections européennes
Deux midis pour comprendre.
Ce 2 mai a eu lieu une conférence sur les enjeux des élections européennes par Melchior Wathelet, premier avocat général honoraire et juge honoraire près la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne, ancien ministre et ministre d’Etat.
Cliquez pour en savoir plus 06 avril 2019
A presentation of the chair appeared in a newsletter of...
In April 2019 a page was devoted to the chair in the newsletter of the Fondation Louvain, click here
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