Available position for a PhD student - Bilateral upper and lower extremity training in children with cerebral palsy.


The Institute of Neuroscience of the University of Louvain (UCL, Belgium) is offering a PhD position to work on the “comparison of intensive vs regular bilateral upper and lower extremity training in children with cerebral palsy”.

The PhD will be conducted under the supervision of Pr. Jean-Louis Thonnard (co-supervision: Dr. Yannick Bleyenheuft).

The objective of the PhD project is to investigate the potential effect of the bilateral upper and lower extremity (HABIT & leg) treatment in a regular training program as compared to an intensive therapy of limited duration (2 weeks) and to a regular neurodevelopmental (NDT) program.

The candidate should have a Master’s degree (master 120) in physiotherapy or medical sciences. He or she will carry out functional assessments and will participate to the supervision of training sessions. He/she may be involved in assessing the neuroplastic changes due to intensive training. Experience in the field of neurorehabilitation, in particular, pediatric experience or intensive rehabilitation experience would be an asset. The position includes a part-time teaching (practical classes of anatomy and ergonomy) at the Faculté des Sciences de la Motricité (FSM, UCL).

The starting date is September 2013. Salary is according to standard Belgian regulations.

Applications should be sent by email to jean-louis.thonnard@uclouvain.be, and should include a curriculum vitae and a cover letter detailing research motivations.

Contact :

Jean-Louis Thonnard / Institute of Neuroscience (IONS) / University of Louvain (UCL) - Brussels, Belgium

Tel : +32(0)2-764-5367 / Email : jean-louis.thonnard@uclouvain.be

Publié le 07 mars 2013