Soutenance publique de thèse de Thibault GIARD.


Thibault GIARD (IoNS/COSY & ICTEAM/INMA) défendra sa thèse sur le thème de l'adhérence tactile lors de la manipulation d'objets.

Thibault GIARD est doctorant en sciences de l'ingénieur (UCL, Belgique) au sein du pôle COSY (Système et Cognition) de l'IoNS et du pôle INMA (pôle d’ingénierie mathématique) de l'ICTEAM. Pour en découvrir plus sur ses travaux, vous êtes cordialement invités (invitation) à assister à sa défense publique le jeudi 18 février 2016 à 16h15 dans l'auditoire SUD11 (Place Croix du Sud 11, UCL/LLN). Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre du mini-symposium sur le contrôle moteur (invitation) qui se tiendra le même jour, de 13h30 à 15h30. Programme détaillé .

Promoteurs : Prof. Philippe LEFEVRE & Prof. Jean-Louis THONNARD (UCL)

ABSTRACT : The human hand is an amazing tool. It is one of the most important interface between us and the world by allowing us to touch and manipulate it. Its complexity is certainly similar to its usefulness. To control the manipulatory and the exploratory functions of the hand, the brain needs to collect, to store, and to process adequately a considerable quantity of data about the objects and the environment. When gripping an object with the index finger and the thumb only, all this information is used to control the kinematics and the dynamics of the movement. In some situations, we have to manipulate unbalanced objects that produce load torques at the finger/object. The objective of the present work was to further investigate the control strategies during object manipulation in presence of load torques.
The results show that the grip force adaptation is slowed down when a load torque is present. The reproduction of a slower adaptation when manipulating torques under microgravity suggests that the presence of load torques experienced during movement may alter our internal estimates of required grip force. The last hypothesis tested was that the difference in control strategies when a load torque is present comes from a poor ability to discriminate load torques. Indeed, a poor ability to discriminate load torque was found during the active task. However, this bad discrimination was not due to an incapacity of the sensory system as the discrimination during the passive stimulation was much better.

Publié le 10 février 2016