
CP3 - Members

Academic staff (26)

Agni Bethani (CP3)

Agni Bethani profile pic
My research interests revolve around Higgs physics and searches for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). I am an expert in searches for Higgs pair production at the LHC. I was a member of CMS during my PhD, and after 5 years in ATLAS I returned to CMS in July 2019. While in ATLAS I lead the HH->bbττ analysis. Currently, in CMS, I am working on the HH->bbWW channel. As we gather more data at the LHC and improve our analysis techniques, the sensitivity to the Higgs pair production increases. The HH decays studies can constrain several SM parameters, with the Higgs self-coupling being the most important one. Therefore I am interested in the Effective Field Theory interpretation of the HH results. In parallel, I am contributing the flavour-tagging group in CMS. I am also interested in science communication, outreach and the representation of women and minorities in science.
My research interests revolve around Higgs physics and searches for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). I am an expert in searches for Higgs pair production...

Pierre Bieliavsky (GPP)

Pierre Bieliavsky profile pic

Office: B.431

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3168


Giacomo Bruno (CP3)

Giacomo Bruno profile pic
Experimental physicist doing research in gravitational-wave physics with the Virgo experiment at the EGO observatory and in particle physics with the CMS experiment at the LHC collider of the CERN laboratory. Also involved in the preparation of the future Einstein Telescope gravitational-wave facility. On Virgo: activities in physics data analysis (quasi-monochromatic gravitational waves, stochastic gravitational wave background, and search for coincident gravotational wave and neutrino signals) and computing. On Einstein Telescope: research and development on mirror suspension system and mitigation of Newtonian noise. On CMS: searches for signals of physics beyond the Standard Model in the Higgs sector; development of a reconstruction algorithm for high-energy muons; operation of the Belgian Tier2 computing centre that is part of the World LHC Computing Grid.
Experimental physicist doing research in gravitational-wave physics with the Virgo experiment at the EGO observatory and in particle physics with the CMS experi...

Office: E.262

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3215


Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace (MATH)

Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace profile pic

Office: B.331

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3163


Personal homepage

Tom Claeys (GPP)

Tom Claeys profile pic
random matrix theory, integrable systems Matrices aléatoires; Déterminants de Hankel, Toeplitz et Fredholm; Systèmes intégrables; Polynômes orthogonaux
random matrix theory, integrable systems Matrices aléatoires; Déterminants de Hankel, Toeplitz et Fredholm; Systèmes intégrables; Polynômes orthogonaux

Office: B.301

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3189


Personal homepage

Eduardo Cortina Gil (CP3)

Eduardo Cortina Gil profile pic
Experimental particle physics. I'm mainly involved inNA62 experiment at CERN: detector completion and radiative kaon decays. I'm also interested in detector development for future experiments: monolithic pixel detectors and fine granularity calorimetry.
Experimental particle physics. I'm mainly involved inNA62 experiment at CERN: detector completion and radiative kaon decays. I'm also interested in detector dev...

Office: E.264

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3242


Personal homepage

Céline Degrande (CP3)

Céline Degrande profile pic
I am working on Effective Field Theory (EFT) at colliders mainly in top and electroweak sector. Recently, I have been focusing on the interplay between PDF and EFT fits and on the computation of NLO QCD corrections for the SMEFT. I am the author of NLOCT and one of the FeynRules authors. I am also investigating how the photon polarisation in cosmic rays can be used to probe BSM physics.
I am working on Effective Field Theory (EFT) at colliders mainly in top and electroweak sector. Recently, I have been focusing on the interplay between PDF and...

Office: E.249

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3218


Christophe Delaere (CP3)

Christophe Delaere profile pic
Experimental particle physicist working on the performance and operation of the CMS detector, on the upgrade of its silicon strip tracker for HL-LHC, and on the search for an extended Higgs sector. I am currently the UCLouvain CMS group leader.
Experimental particle physicist working on the performance and operation of the CMS detector, on the upgrade of its silicon strip tracker for HL-LHC, and on the...

Office: E.266

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3207


Personal homepage

Marco Drewes (CP3)

Marco Drewes profile pic
I combine studies of the early universe with the results of laboratory experiments and astronomical observations to address fundamental questions in particle physics and cosmology.
I combine studies of the early universe with the results of laboratory experiments and astronomical observations to address fundamental questions in particle ph...

Office: E.248

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73232


Gauthier Durieux (CP3)

Gauthier Durieux profile pic
Phenomenology beyond the standard model at present and future colliders, top-quark and Higgs physics, effective field theories, on-shell amplitude techniques
Phenomenology beyond the standard model at present and future colliders, top-quark and Higgs physics, effective field theories, on-shell amplitude techniques

Office: E.250

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73875


Marino Gran (MATH)

Marino Gran profile pic
Research interests: categorical algebra, universal algebra, Galois and descent theory, non-abelian homology, Hopf algebras
Research interests: categorical algebra, universal algebra, Galois and descent theory, non-abelian homology, Hopf algebras

Office: B.425

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3170


Personal homepage

Christian Hagendorf (GPP)

Christian Hagendorf profile pic
Research interests: Exactly-solvable models in statistical mechanics, integrability and combinatorics.
Research interests: Exactly-solvable models in statistical mechanics, integrability and combinatorics.

Office: B.302

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3353


Personal homepage

Pascal Lambrechts (MATH)

Pascal Lambrechts profile pic
My work is in algebraic topology. My recent theme of research are motivated by the study of moduli spaces coming from differential topology, like spaces of smooth embeddings and of diffeomorphisms, using manifold functor calculus, rational homotopy theory, configuration spaces, operads of little disks, ...
My work is in algebraic topology. My recent theme of research are motivated by the study of moduli spaces coming from differential topology, like spaces of s...

Office: B.424

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3161


Personal homepage

Vincent Lemaitre (CP3)

Vincent Lemaitre profile pic
Experimentalist, CMS collaboration. Search for phenomena Beyond the Standard Model. In particular, in the scalar sector related to the electroweak symmetry breaking and in final states including top quarks. Also interested in the silicon tracker developments and construction for the next generation of experiments.
Experimentalist, CMS collaboration. Search for phenomena Beyond the Standard Model. In particular, in the scalar sector related to the electroweak symmetry brea...

Office: E.265

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3241


Fabio Maltoni (CP3)

Fabio Maltoni profile pic
I am interested in the phenomenology of the standard model and beyond, and particularly in collider physics.
I am interested in the phenomenology of the standard model and beyond, and particularly in collider physics.

Office: E.247

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3166


Personal homepage

Timothée Marquis (MATH)

Timothée Marquis profile pic
Research interests: Geometric group theory; Kac-Moody groups and algebras; Groups with a BN-pair, Coxeter groups and buildings; Infinite-dimensional Lie groups and algebras; Locally compact groups
Research interests: Geometric group theory; Kac-Moody groups and algebras; Groups with a BN-pair, Coxeter groups and buildings; Infinite-dimensional Lie groups...

Office: B.330

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3182


Personal homepage

Laure Ninove (MATH)

Laure Ninove profile pic

Office: B.329

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 32 72


Heiner Olbermann (MATH)

Heiner Olbermann profile pic
Mes intérets de recherche se trouvent dans le domaine des équations aux dérivées partielles. Surtout je travaille sur des questions en calcul des variations. En particulier, je m'intéresse à l'élasticité non-linéaire, et à des problèmes variationels qui contiennent en même temps des aspects physiques et géométriques.
Mes intérets de recherche se trouvent dans le domaine des équations aux dérivées partielles. Surtout je travaille sur des questions en calcul des variations. En...

Office: B.305

Phone: (+32 10 4) 72325


Augusto Ponce (MATH)

Augusto Ponce profile pic
Partial differential equations; nonlinear analysis
Partial differential equations; nonlinear analysis

Office: B.326

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 8674


Personal homepage

Christophe Ringeval (CURL)

Christophe Ringeval profile pic
Early universe cosmology, CMB, inflationary cosmology, topological defects, string cosmology, data analysis.
Early universe cosmology, CMB, inflationary cosmology, topological defects, string cosmology, data analysis.

Office: E.352

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 2075


Personal homepage

Philippe Ruelle (GPP)

Philippe Ruelle profile pic
Statistical field theory
Statistical field theory

Office: B.333

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3186


Tim Van der Linden (MATH)

Tim Van der Linden profile pic
Research in homological algebra: study of homology and cohomology of non-algebraic objects using categorical methods, such as Galois theory of higher central extensions
Research in homological algebra: study of homology and cohomology of non-algebraic objects using categorical methods, such as Galois theory of higher central extensions

Office: B.420

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3179


Personal homepage

Jean Van Schaftingen (MATH)

Jean Van Schaftingen profile pic
I am working in mathematical analysis, on problems in the fields of partial differential equations, calculus of variations and function spaces, including endpoint L¹ estimates for differential operators, Sobolev mappings, Ginzburg-Landau functionals, vortices in fluid dynamics, magnetic Sobolev spaces and semi-linear elliptic problems.
I am working in mathematical analysis, on problems in the fields of partial differential equations, calculus of variations and function spaces, including endpoi...

Office: B.320

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 8307


Personal homepage

Pedro Vaz (MATH)

Pedro Vaz profile pic
Knot theory and quantum topology, Higher representation theory and its applications in low-dimensional topology, Categorification of quantum algebras and its 2-representation theory.
Knot theory and quantum topology, Higher representation theory and its applications in low-dimensional topology, Categorification of quantum algebras and its...

Office: B.426

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3311


Personal homepage

Enrico Vitale (MATH)

Enrico Vitale profile pic
Je participe à la recherche de l’équipe de théorie des catégories. Notre recherche se concentre sur l'algèbre catégorique: plus particulièrement, nous développons certains nouveaux aspects de la théorie des catégories utiles en algèbre homologique non abélienne, algèbre homotopique de dimension supérieur, algèbre universelle et algèbre topologique, théorie de la descente et théorie de Galois, théorie des algèbres de Hopf et des quandle.
Je participe à la recherche de l’équipe de théorie des catégories. Notre recherche se concentre sur l'algèbre catégorique: plus particulièrement, nous développo...

Office: B.423

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3188


Personal homepage

Gwenhaël Wilberts Dewasseige (CP3)

Gwenhaël Wilberts Dewasseige profile pic
I am an astroparticle physicist using neutrinos as messengers to probe high-energy phenomena in our Universe. I am working with the IceCube and KM3NeT experiments located at the South Pole and in the Mediterranean Sea, respectively. My main research interest is to combine neutrinos with other messengers, such as photons or gravitational waves, to study transient sources e.g., compact binary mergers, gamma ray bursts, solar flares,...
I am an astroparticle physicist using neutrinos as messengers to probe high-energy phenomena in our Universe. I am working with the IceCube and KM3NeT experimen...

Office: E.263

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 32 44


Research scientists (3)

Jérôme de Favereau (CP3)

Jérôme de Favereau profile pic
CP3 website developement and maintenance, issue tracking system, general support, cluster maintenance, openstack deployement, CMS detector upgrade among other things...
CP3 website developement and maintenance, issue tracking system, general support, cluster maintenance, openstack deployement, CMS detector upgrade among other things...

Office: E.356

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3113


Andrea Giammanco (CP3)

Andrea Giammanco profile pic
Experimental particle physicist. Interested in data analysis, simulations, phenomenology, non-HEP applications of HEP techniques (and vice versa). Active in "muography" (i.e. imaging with cosmic muons). Member of the CMS collaboration at the LHC, of the MURAVES muography experiment, and of the DELPHES project. Former member of ALEPH at LEP.
Experimental particle physicist. Interested in data analysis, simulations, phenomenology, non-HEP applications of HEP techniques (and vice versa). Active in "mu...

Office: E.261

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3221


Personal homepage

Olivier Mattelaer (CP3, External)

Olivier Mattelaer profile pic
Responsible software maintenance and development of MadGraph5_aMC@NLO (including most of the associated package and plugin)
Responsible software maintenance and development of MadGraph5_aMC@NLO (including most of the associated package and plugin)

Office: E.357

Phone: (+32 10 4) 72010 (CP3)


Research project coordinators (1)

Chiara Arina (CP3, IRMP)

Chiara Arina profile pic
My activities support IRMP researchers in the identification of external funding for research projects, the coordination of responses to calls for funding, the contribution to project writing, the overall monitoring of projects in their different phases in close collaboration with the general services of the university, the development of interdisciplinary initiatives, and the promotion of the IRMP research results.
My activities support IRMP researchers in the identification of external funding for research projects, the coordination of responses to calls for funding, the...

Office: E.362

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73229


Physicists, engineers and computer scientists (6)

Pavel Demin (CP3)

Pavel Demin profile pic
Research engineer working on Delphes software for fast simulation of detector response, data acquisition systems for physics experiments, CP3 computing cluster.
Research engineer working on Delphes software for fast simulation of detector response, data acquisition systems for physics experiments, CP3 computing cluster.

Office: E.355

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3165


François-Philippe Hocquet (CRC)

François-Philippe Hocquet profile pic
Cyclotron accelerator, Electron cyclotron resonance ions sources
Cyclotron accelerator, Electron cyclotron resonance ions sources

Office: E.156

Phone: (+32 10 4) 72983


Nancy Postiau (CRC)

Nancy Postiau profile pic

Office: E.155

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3874


Jérôme Prévost (CRC)

Jérôme Prévost profile pic
CRC electronic laboratory head.
CRC electronic laboratory head.

Office: f.023

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73307


Laurent Standaert (CRC)

Laurent Standaert profile pic

Office: E.156

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 9457


Andres Tanasijczuk (CP3)

Andres Tanasijczuk profile pic
Computing support, Grid computing, CMS Remote Analysis Builder software.
Computing support, Grid computing, CMS Remote Analysis Builder software.

Office: E.359

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73036


Professors emeriti (6)

Yves Felix (MATH)

Yves Felix profile pic
topologie algébrique, homotopie rationnelle
topologie algébrique, homotopie rationnelle

Office: B.428

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3141


Jean-Marc Gérard (CP3)

Jean-Marc Gérard profile pic
Phenomenological aspects of the fundamental interactions, gravity included.
Phenomenological aspects of the fundamental interactions, gravity included.

Office: E.246

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 2712


Jan Govaerts (CP3)

Jan Govaerts profile pic
The fundamental interactions, their theories and their quantum unification
The fundamental interactions, their theories and their quantum unification

Office: E.252

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3226


Luc Haine (GPP)

Luc Haine profile pic
I work in soliton theory and conformal field theory. My main results and research interests concern - the Kovalevskaya-Painlevé property for integrable systems, - equations defining abelian varieties and toric varieties, - tau-functions and representations of the Virasoro and W-algebras.
I work in soliton theory and conformal field theory. My main results and research interests concern - the Kovalevskaya-Painlevé property for integrable syste...

Pierre Van Moerbeke (GPP)

Pierre Van Moerbeke profile pic

Office: B332


Michel Willem (MATH)

Michel Willem profile pic
nonlinear partial differential equations, global analysis, calculus of variations, functional analysis, real analysis, history of mathematics
nonlinear partial differential equations, global analysis, calculus of variations, functional analysis, real analysis, history of mathematics

Office: B.304

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3120


Personal homepage

Postdocs (36)

Deepali Agarwal (CP3)

Deepali Agarwal profile pic
Stochastic gravitational wave background (GWB) is an anticipated signal of astrophysical and cosmological origin. A large population of faint, unresolvable, and independent sources of gravitational waves (GWs) since the beginning of stellar activity may form an astrophysical GWB. While GWs from the early universe events like Inflation and first-order phase transition are buried under an astrophysical background. Detection of GWB will provide a unique probe to study the large-scale structure of the universe, GW sources, and propagation. The energy flux of GWB is expected to have tiny fluctuations across the sky. Several reasons include inhomogeneities in matter distribution and our peculiar motion in the cosmic rest frame. My research interest lies in characterizing the anisotropy of GWB and inferring source properties. I aim to develop statistical methods to find the signature of anisotropy utilizing data from current and upcoming terrestrial detectors.
Stochastic gravitational wave background (GWB) is an anticipated signal of astrophysical and cosmological origin. A large population of faint, unresolvable, and...

Muhammad Usman Ashraf (CP3)

Muhammad Usman Ashraf profile pic
I am an Experimental particle physicist working on NA62 Experiment at CERN. I am responsible for commissioning and data taking from the Giga Tracker (GTK) which measures the Kaon momentum precisely, one of the main sub-detector developed at CP3. Additionally, my current research project is search for new physics in the decay of the charged kaon into a pion and a pair of muons. My main areas of expertise are, search for new Physics in Kaon decays (LNV/LFV). I am also very interested in simulations and phenomenology of High Energy Physics. Former member of the STAR Collaboration at RHIC, ALICE and CMS collaboration at the LHC.
I am an Experimental particle physicist working on NA62 Experiment at CERN. I am responsible for commissioning and data taking from the Giga Tracker (GTK) which...

Pierre Auclair (CURL)

Pierre Auclair profile pic
I am a cosmologist mostly interested with the physics of the very early Universe mainly through the prism of gravitational wave detectors. My specialities range from the study of topological defects to the aftermath of a first order phase transition and the formation of Primordial Black Holes; but I am always keen to discover new things. I have been involved in gravitational wave experiments, both ground-based (Virgo) and space-bound (LISA).
I am a cosmologist mostly interested with the physics of the very early Universe mainly through the prism of gravitational wave detectors. My specialities range...

Samuel Bein (CP3)

Samuel Bein profile pic

Anna Benecke (CP3)

Anna Benecke profile pic

Sebastian Bischof (MATH)

Sebastian Bischof profile pic

Bulanyi Bohdan (MATH)

Bulanyi Bohdan profile pic

Office: B.327


Federico Campanini (MATH)

Federico Campanini profile pic
My research interests are quite various and include substantially different topics in Commutative and non-Commutative Algebra, Module Theory and Category Theory. They may be listed as follows: - Weak forms of the Krull-Schmidt Theorem in additive and module categories; - Prüfer-like conditions in commutative rings with zero-divisors; - Factorizations in commutative monoids; - Homological algebra; - Torsion and pretorsion theories in general categories.
My research interests are quite various and include substantially different topics in Commutative and non-Commutative Algebra, Module Theory and Category Theory...

Office: B428


Max Carter (MATH)

Max Carter profile pic

Rogan Clark (CP3)

Rogan Clark profile pic

Disrael Dacunha (CURL)

Disrael Dacunha profile pic
I work on searches for physics beyond the standard model. Given that a large class of models describing physics beyond the standard model predicts the appearance of topological defects, I study the consequences of these phenomena in the large scale structure (LSS) of the universe. My work involves performing numerical computations that simulate these effects to find optimal statistics that extract the signal from the topological defects. The primary goal of this study is to favor or discard classes of models that extend the standard model. I used various numerical computational tools, such as N-Body simulation (CUBEP3M, Gadget, PKDGRAV3, and PICOLA) and data analysis (Curvelab, S2let).
I work on searches for physics beyond the standard model. Given that a large class of models describing physics beyond the standard model predicts the appearan...

Arnaud Duvieusart (MATH)

Arnaud Duvieusart profile pic
I work on new applications of Categorical Galois Theory in Mal’tsev and semi-abelian categories, especially in relation to internal groupoids and crossed modules.
I work on new applications of Categorical Galois Theory in Mal’tsev and semi-abelian categories, especially in relation to internal groupoids and crossed modules.

Office: B.430


Theo Heimel (CP3)

Theo Heimel profile pic

Pierre-Alain Jacqmin (MATH)

Pierre-Alain Jacqmin profile pic
My main research interests lie in Category Theory, and more specifically in Categorical Algebra and Universal Algebra. My aim is to deeper understand algebraic categorical properties such as the Mal'tsev, unital or semi-abelian properties; in particular via some embedding theorems or preservation under the cofiltered limit completion. I am also interested in internal groupoids, weak equivalences and their bicategory of fractions as well as in finiteness spaces and generalized rings of power series.
My main research interests lie in Category Theory, and more specifically in Categorical Algebra and Universal Algebra. My aim is to deeper understand algebraic...

Office: B.403

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3159


Geoffrey Janssens (MATH)

Geoffrey Janssens profile pic
My research has spanned several areas of mathematics, however always centered around the study of the representations of the given object. Nowadays my focus is on finite dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras via geometric realisations. Hereby the angle is additive and monoidal categorification of an underlying cluster algebras. Earlier my research focused on integral representation theory of finite groups, via connections to arithmetic groups. The latter can be thought as the integer points of semisimple linear algebraic groups of which the group of units of the integral group ring is an example of. The overarching quesiton here is which properties of the finite group can reconstructed out of the geometric group theoretical properties of the simple factors of the overlying algebraic group.
My research has spanned several areas of mathematics, however always centered around the study of the representations of the given object. Nowadays my focus is...

Office: B403


Vishal Kumar (CP3)

Vishal Kumar profile pic
Working with Gas based position sensitive detectors for their application in muon tomography. The detectors includes MWPC, MPGDs (like GEM, ThGEM, Micromegas) and RPC.
Working with Gas based position sensitive detectors for their application in muon tomography. The detectors includes MWPC, MPGDs (like GEM, ThGEM, Micromegas) and RPC.

Office: E.166

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73197


Mathieu Lamoureux (CP3)

Mathieu Lamoureux profile pic
I have done my PhD on the T2K neutrino experiment, mostly looking for hypothetical heavy neutrinos using T2K near detector -> did not find anything and put upper limit. Then, I have performed a 3-yr fellowship in INFN Padova (Italy) + secondment period in APC Paris (France), where I have been focusing on multi-messenger neutrino astronomy, especially the search for neutrinos in time and spatial coincidence with gravitational waves detected by LIGO/Virgo.
I have done my PhD on the T2K neutrino experiment, mostly looking for hypothetical heavy neutrinos using T2K near detector -> did not find anything and put uppe...

Office: E.259

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73263


Zak Lawrence (CP3)

Zak Lawrence profile pic

Jeff Lazar (CP3)

Jeff Lazar profile pic
Neutrino telescope simulation and novel BSM signatures.
Neutrino telescope simulation and novel BSM signatures.

Haolin Li (CP3)

Haolin Li profile pic
I am interested in various aspects of effective field theories, including the construction of operator basis, applications in neutrino physics and collider physics
I am interested in various aspects of effective field theories, including the construction of operator basis, applications in neutrino physics and collider physics

Office: E.162


Jindrich Lidrych (CP3)

Jindrich Lidrych profile pic
I am an experimental particle physicist, member of the CMS Collaboration at CERN. I am particularly interested in precision Standard Model measurements and Higgs physics.
I am an experimental particle physicist, member of the CMS Collaboration at CERN. I am particularly interested in precision Standard Model measurements and Higgs physics.

Benjamin Lledos (MATH)

Benjamin Lledos profile pic
I am interested in the uniqueness, regularity, and qualitative properties of solutions to minimization problems in the calculus of variations or elliptic PDEs.
I am interested in the uniqueness, regularity, and qualitative properties of solutions to minimization problems in the calculus of variations or elliptic PDEs.

Paul Malek (CP3)

Paul Malek profile pic
I am an experimental particle physicist with strong interest in detector development. Currently I am part of the CMS collaboration at the LHC and working on the Phase-2 upgrade of the outer tracker. In my previous work I was involved in the R&D for a high precision time projection chamber (TPC) as a tracker for a potential detector at the planned linear e+e- collider ILC.
I am an experimental particle physicist with strong interest in detector development. Currently I am part of the CMS collaboration at the LHC and working on the...

Andrew Miller (CP3)

Andrew Miller profile pic
I work as part of the LIGO/Virgo collaborations to develop data analysis techniques to detect gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars, depleting boson clouds around black holes, inspiraling primordial black holes, and the stochastic gravitational-wave background. I am also interested in searches for dark matter that interacts directly with gravitational-wave interferometers. In my spare time, I enjoy playing volleyball, travelling, reading, and hiking.
I work as part of the LIGO/Virgo collaborations to develop data analysis techniques to detect gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars, depleting boson c...

Giuseppe Orsatti (GPP)

Giuseppe Orsatti profile pic

Jérémie Pierard de Maujouy (GPP)

Jérémie Pierard de Maujouy profile pic

Office: B.405


Christoph Raab (CP3)

Christoph Raab profile pic
Postdoc working on IceCube. My big topic is trying to do realtime astronomy with GeV neutrinos. But I'm generall interested in multi-messenger astronomy.
Postdoc working on IceCube. My big topic is trying to do realtime astronomy with GeV neutrinos. But I'm generall interested in multi-messenger astronomy.

Office: E.259

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73263


Personal homepage

Julia Ramos González (MATH)

Julia Ramos González profile pic
My main research interests are category theory and homological algebra. I am particularly interested in the interplay of these fields with algebraic geometry in order to approach noncommutative algebraic geometry, where both abelian categories and enhancements of triangulated categories are used as models for noncommutative spaces. I am therefore interested in many different related areas: topos theory, localizations and categories of fractions, algebraic categories, triangulated and dg categories, infinity-categories, deformation theory…
My main research interests are category theory and homological algebra. I am particularly interested in the interplay of these fields with algebraic geometry in...

Jishnu Suresh (CP3)

Jishnu Suresh profile pic
My primary research focuses on the searches for stochastic gravitational-wave background -SGWB (origin of such a background could be cosmological or astrophysical) using the data from LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA (LVK) detectors. We have placed the most stringent bounds on the energy density of SGWBs using the latest observational data along with the (first) upper limit maps of the gravitational-wave sky at every frequency bin. We expect that the current efforts will make significant progress in the coming years and result in the first detection of SGWBs. I am also interested in understanding some aspects of the alternative theories of gravity. In the past, I have worked on black hole thermodynamic aspects of these theories in a newly developed framework called Geometrothermodynamics.
My primary research focuses on the searches for stochastic gravitational-wave background -SGWB (origin of such a background could be cosmological or astrophysic...

François Thilmany (MATH)

François Thilmany profile pic

Office: B.321


Semra Turkcapar (CP3)

Semra Turkcapar profile pic

Shahram Vatani (CP3)

Shahram Vatani profile pic

Matthias Vereecken (CP3)

Matthias Vereecken profile pic
My research focuses on multi-messenger astronomy, primarily high-energy neutrinos with IceCube and gravitational waves with Virgo. Currently working as part of E-test on Newtonian noise mitigation.
My research focuses on multi-messenger astronomy, primarily high-energy neutrinos with IceCube and gravitational waves with Virgo. Currently working as part of...

Office: E.358

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73875


Ramon Winterhalder (CP3)

Ramon Winterhalder profile pic
I work on the intersection of particle physics and machine learning. My research aims to fully establish data-driven techniques in high-energy physics and to enhance standard simulation methods with (generative) neural networks.
I work on the intersection of particle physics and machine learning. My research aims to fully establish data-driven techniques in high-energy physics and to en...

Office: E.358

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73875


Personal homepage

Michal Zamkovsky (CP3)

Michal Zamkovsky profile pic

Sebastian Zell (CP3)

Sebastian Zell profile pic
My research based at the interface of particle physics and cosmology revolves around fundamental open problems and their observable implications. I am particularly interested in various aspects of gravity as well as inflation – an early phase of exponential expansion in our Universe. Close connections exist with a range of other topics such as dark matter, thermal effects, quantum coherence, scale symmetry, infrared physics and the mass scales of Nature.
My research based at the interface of particle physics and cosmology revolves around fundamental open problems and their observable implications. I am particula...

PhD students (54)

Mubarak Abdallah (CP3)

Mubarak Abdallah profile pic

Ismaël Ahlouche (GPP)

Ismaël Ahlouche profile pic

Marwa Al Moussawi (CP3)

Marwa Al Moussawi profile pic
Imaging of large structures with cosmic-ray muons.
Imaging of large structures with cosmic-ray muons.

Tommaso Armadillo (CP3)

Tommaso Armadillo profile pic
I am working on the development of methods and tools to advance our ability to perform precision studies at colliders and apply them to key novel computations. In particular, we aim at introducing new techniques for two-loop integrals that are currently the bottleneck of next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) electroweak and use them to obtain predictions for Drell-Yan process at the LHC and for ZH production at future electron-positron colliders.
I am working on the development of methods and tools to advance our ability to perform precision studies at colliders and apply them to key novel computations....

Samip Basnet (CP3)

Samip Basnet profile pic
Imaging of large structures with cosmic-ray muons.
Imaging of large structures with cosmic-ray muons.

Baptiste Blachier (CURL)

Baptiste Blachier profile pic

Ricardo Cabrita (CP3)

Ricardo Cabrita profile pic
I am working in Gravitational Wave Interferometer instrumentation. Working in the optics lab to test the use of Phase Cameras (PC) for mode matching mitigation in optical cavities and also collaborating with the Phase Camera group at Virgo, contributing with optical simulations and trying to understand the PC generated amplitude and phase maps.
I am working in Gravitational Wave Interferometer instrumentation. Working in the optics lab to test the use of Phase Cameras (PC) for mode matching mitigation...

Office: D.024


Francisco Casalinho (CP3)

Francisco Casalinho profile pic
This project is to study Higgs pair production in the bbtautau final state at CMS. The objectives of this study are: to measure the Higgs self-coupling constant, explore anomalous values of the Higgs couplings and new Higgs couplings using effective field theory parameterisation and study the Higgs pair production associated with a vector boson.
This project is to study Higgs pair production in the bbtautau final state at CMS. The objectives of this study are: to measure the Higgs self-coupling constant...

Robynn Corveleyn (MATH)

Robynn Corveleyn profile pic
I am interested in a wide range of topics within geometric group theory and representation theory of (locally compact) groups. Currently my focus is on understanding the finite simple quotients of Kac-Moody-Steinberg groups and their relationship to high-dimensional expanders.
I am interested in a wide range of topics within geometric group theory and representation theory of (locally compact) groups. Currently my focus is on understa...

Office: B.323


Maxime Culot (MATH)

Maxime Culot profile pic
Working in the area of homological algebra in a non-abelian context. More precisely, I am working a non-additive version of the left derived functors. This leads me to the study of homotopy of chain complex and a bit of model theory.
Working in the area of homological algebra in a non-abelian context. More precisely, I am working a non-additive version of the left derived functors. This lead...

Office: B.422


Clémentine Dassy (CP3)

Clémentine Dassy profile pic
I'm working on trajectories of charged particles in electromagnetic knots in vacuum. The next step is to translate these electromagnetic knots into gravitational knots to understand the discrepancy between the theoretical and the observed velocity curves of galaxies.
I'm working on trajectories of charged particles in electromagnetic knots in vacuum. The next step is to translate these electromagnetic knots into gravitationa...

Federico De Lillo (CP3)

Federico De Lillo profile pic
Involved in the search for a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB), with particular interest in anisotropies and cosmological components, within the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) collaboration as a Virgo member.
Involved in the search for a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB), with particular interest in anisotropies and cosmological components, within the L...

Louis De Man (GPP)

Louis De Man profile pic

Office: B.432

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3169


Antoine Depasse (CP3)

Antoine Depasse profile pic
Searches for gravitational waves signal emitted by ultralight boson clouds around rotating black holes with the LIGO-Virgo laser interferometers.
Searches for gravitational waves signal emitted by ultralight boson clouds around rotating black holes with the LIGO-Virgo laser interferometers.

Office: E.255

Phone: (+32 10 4) +32479352637


Bo Shan Deval (MATH)

Bo Shan Deval profile pic

Office: B.401


Nadja Egner (MATH)

Nadja Egner profile pic

Office: B.402


Khalil El Achi (CP3)

Khalil El Achi profile pic
Internship in the CP3 muography group, participating to detector and simulation activities.
Internship in the CP3 muography group, participating to detector and simulation activities.

David Forsman (MATH)

David Forsman profile pic
My PhD-topic is to develop a non-abelian theory of spectral sequences. Double semi-simplicial groups have certain spectral sequences associated to them. The motivating question is how much can we generalize this to the semi-abelian context.
My PhD-topic is to develop a non-abelian theory of spectral sequences. Double semi-simplicial groups have certain spectral sequences associated to them. The mot...

Office: B.404


Maximilien Forte (MATH)

Maximilien Forte profile pic
I am a first year PhD student in Geometric Group Theory. I am currently working in the construction of t.d.l.c groups containing uniform lattices. Keywords : wall space, polyhedral complex, CAT(0) metric.
I am a first year PhD student in Geometric Group Theory. I am currently working in the construction of t.d.l.c groups containing uniform lattices. Keywords : wa...

Office: B.303


Corentin François (MATH)

Corentin François profile pic

Office: B.322

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3183


Eliot Genton (CP3)

Eliot Genton profile pic
Currently working on a GeV to TeV analysis of solar neutrino events using data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in the South Pole, before enlarging this to a multimessenger analysis of the sun,
Currently working on a GeV to TeV analysis of solar neutrino events using data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in the South Pole, before enlarging this to...

Yannis Georis (CP3)

Yannis Georis profile pic
Working on potential explanations for the origin of Baryonic and Dark matter. I focus on extensions of the Standard Model with "light" particles, e.g. particles having a mass at the MeV to TeV scale for which thermal corrections are crucial.
Working on potential explanations for the origin of Baryonic and Dark matter. I focus on extensions of the Standard Model with "light" particles, e.g. particles...

Lucy Grossman (MATH)

Lucy Grossman profile pic
Projet principal actuel: une généralisation des théories de prétorsion aux catégories infinies. Autres intérêts de recherche: structures supérieures et fondaments des mathématiques, K-théorie algébrique, physique mathématique.
Projet principal actuel: une généralisation des théories de prétorsion aux catégories infinies. Autres intérêts de recherche: structures supérieures et fondam...

Office: B.429


Oguz Guzel (CP3)

Oguz Guzel profile pic
I am interested in the Higgs boson pair production at the LHC and the analysis of CMS data by making use of the data analysis techniques including machine learning.
I am interested in the Higgs boson pair production at the LHC and the analysis of CMS data by making use of the data analysis techniques including machine learning.

Rodrigue Haya Enriquez (MATH)

Rodrigue Haya Enriquez profile pic

Office: B.405


Majid Hussain (CP3)

Majid Hussain profile pic

Sumaira Ikram (CP3)

Sumaira Ikram profile pic
Simulations and data analysis of a muon radiography experiment at Mt. Vesuvius, Italy
Simulations and data analysis of a muon radiography experiment at Mt. Vesuvius, Italy

Office: E.148

Karlijn Kruiswijk (CP3)

Karlijn Kruiswijk profile pic
I am a PhD student in astrophysics, and a member in the IceCube collaboration. My PhD thesis is on on low energy (MeV-GeV) neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Burst populations. For this I work on improving the detection and reconstruction of low energy neutrinos, and look at properties of the electromagnetic spectra of Gamma-Ray Bursts to categorize them.
I am a PhD student in astrophysics, and a member in the IceCube collaboration. My PhD thesis is on on low energy (MeV-GeV) neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Burst popula...

Maxime Lagrange (CP3)

Maxime Lagrange profile pic
I am interested in tomographic image reconstruction applied to muography, and how it can benefit from Machine-learning optimization.
I am interested in tomographic image reconstruction applied to muography, and how it can benefit from Machine-learning optimization.

Alex Loué (MATH)

Alex Loué profile pic
I am interested in various aspects of discrete groups such as their geometric and combinatorial features, or their representation theory. Currently, my focus is set on the construction and description of new families of hyperbolic groups with property (T).
I am interested in various aspects of discrete groups such as their geometric and combinatorial features, or their representation theory. Currently, my focus is...

Office: B.321


Matteo Maltoni (CP3)

Matteo Maltoni profile pic
Working on SMEFT operators phenomenology
Working on SMEFT operators phenomenology

Arthur Massar (GPP)

Arthur Massar profile pic

Daniele Massaro (CP3)

Daniele Massaro profile pic
My research is focused on astroparticle physics, in particular on dark sector, neutrinos and dark matter. I am working on dark sector phenomelogy, studying new beyond Standard Model models scenarios trying to explain problems, such as dark matter or neutrino masses, according the several experimental constraints. I am also active in the development of the tool "MadDM", which is an automated numerical tool for the computation of dark matter observables for generic new physics models.
My research is focused on astroparticle physics, in particular on dark sector, neutrinos and dark matter. I am working on dark sector phenomelogy, studying new...

Paola Mastrapasqua (CP3)

Paola Mastrapasqua profile pic

Sébastien Mattenet (MATH)

Sébastien Mattenet profile pic
Did my masters thesis in topos theory. Currently writing about Lyapunov theory in categorical terms, specifically the converse lyapunov theorem that a system with an equilibrium point must have a corresponding "energy function" (lyapunov fucntion, ie a function that decrease on trajectory and "sufficiently" smooth) that serve as a certificate for the stability.
Did my masters thesis in topos theory. Currently writing about Lyapunov theory in categorical terms, specifically the converse lyapunov theorem that a system w...

Office: Euler a1.01


Jonathan Mauro (CP3)

Jonathan Mauro profile pic
Looking for solar-flares produced neutrinos with KM3NeT :)
Looking for solar-flares produced neutrinos with KM3NeT :)

Office: E.257

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73202


Jean Mugniery (MATH)

Jean Mugniery profile pic

Office: B.404

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73164


Leonardo Ricca (CP3)

Leonardo Ricca profile pic

Nicolas Robert (GPP)

Nicolas Robert profile pic
My research is currently focused on spatial phase separation occurring in some statistical models. This phenomenon appears when boundary conditions induce macroscopic effects on the system, resulting in the formation of several regions with distinct behaviours. These regions are separated by interfaces generally referred to as "arctic curves".
My research is currently focused on spatial phase separation occurring in some statistical models. This phenomenon appears when boundary conditions induce macro...

Office: B.323

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3180


Léo Schelstraete (MATH)

Léo Schelstraete profile pic
I work on the interplay between knot theory and higher representation theory. More precisely, I'm interested in an invariant of knots called odd Khovanov homology, which can be thought as a categorification of the Jones polynomial. I try to understand it through the categorification of (the representation theory of) quantum algebras.
I work on the interplay between knot theory and higher representation theory. More precisely, I'm interested in an invariant of knots called odd Khovanov homolo...

Office: B.429


Per Arne Sevle Myhr (CP3)

Per Arne Sevle Myhr profile pic
I'm working on a novel search for sub-GeV neutrinos from transient astrophysical events using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory.
I'm working on a novel search for sub-GeV neutrinos from transient astrophysical events using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory.

Office: E.149


Guillaume Suchet-bernard (CP3)

Guillaume Suchet-bernard profile pic
My current work consist in the automation of the one-loop renormalization of the electroweak sector in the SMEFT. I am also interested in gauge invariance in both the SM and GR and in non-local effects.
My current work consist in the automation of the one-loop renormalization of the electroweak sector in the SMEFT. I am also interested in gauge invariance in b...

Office: E.165

Phone: (+32 10 4) 0492528311


Simone Tentori (CP3)

Simone Tentori profile pic
I study particle physics phenomenology in colliders, both SM and BSM, with particular attention to top-philic interaction.
I study particle physics phenomenology in colliders, both SM and BSM, with particular attention to top-philic interaction.

Office: E.049

Phone: (+32 10 4) +39 327 597


Julien Touchèque (CP3)

Julien Touchèque profile pic
Phenomenology of CP violation in weak bosons pair production and single top quark processes with the Standard Model Effective Field Theory.
Phenomenology of CP violation in weak bosons pair production and single top quark processes with the Standard Model Effective Field Theory.

Benoît Van Vaerenbergh (MATH)

Benoît Van Vaerenbergh profile pic

Office: B.325


Justin Vast (MATH)

Justin Vast profile pic

Office: B.322


Stavros Venikoudis (CP3)

Stavros Venikoudis profile pic
My research is focused on Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgrounds with the LIGO-Virgo laser interferometric detectors. Specifically, I work on the development of techniques aimed to disentangle, in case of detection of an SGWB signal, the different contributions to the SGWB and determine their distributions on the sky. Also, I work on the investigation of possible correlations in time and frequency of SGWBs from cosmological sources, such as cosmic strings after relaxing the assumption of stationarity.
My research is focused on Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgrounds with the LIGO-Virgo laser interferometric detectors. Specifically, I work on the development...

Corentin Vienne (MATH)

Corentin Vienne profile pic
Research in categorical algebra, in particular semi-abelian categories. We are studying consequences of categorical conditions, such as action representability, in varieties of non-associative algebras.
Research in categorical algebra, in particular semi-abelian categories. We are studying consequences of categorical conditions, such as action representability,...

Office: B.427


Zeqiang Wang (CP3)

Zeqiang Wang profile pic
(1) Improve the accuracy of the SMEFT predictions (2) Advance the SMEFiT technology (3) Perform global analyses of HEP data with optimal observables
(1) Improve the accuracy of the SMEFT predictions (2) Advance the SMEFiT technology (3) Perform global analyses of HEP data with optimal observables

Office: E.049

Phone: (+32 10 4) 0456242345


Valentin Weber (CP3)

Valentin Weber profile pic
I am currently working on light hidden sector Dark Matter (including sterile neutrinos and ALPs). The main focus of this work lies on the Dark Matter production in the early universe, in particular on the computation of thermal corrections to the product during freeze-in. I want to make more reliable predictions for the relic density in such models, which can be tested in experiments.
I am currently working on light hidden sector Dark Matter (including sterile neutrinos and ALPs). The main focus of this work lies on the Dark Matter production...

Office: E.254

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73209


Leon Winter (MATH)

Leon Winter profile pic
I am working on open problems regarding Sobolev mappings (valued in a manifold). The set of all Sobolev mappings is in general not a vector space and its study is therefore very different from a vector valued Sobolev space.
I am working on open problems regarding Sobolev mappings (valued in a manifold). The set of all Sobolev mappings is in general not a vector space and its study...

Office: B.322


Zahraa Zaher (CP3)

Zahraa Zaher profile pic
Machine-learning optimization of experiments in fundamental and applied physics.
Machine-learning optimization of experiments in fundamental and applied physics.

Office: E.147

Phone: (+32 10 4) 0472903518


Morgane Zeoli (CP3)

Morgane Zeoli profile pic
My work is orientated toward gravitational wave (GW) instrumentation. It focuses on passive and active seismic sensing parts and isolation strategies for two gravitational wave detector projects: E-TEST, an almost 1x1 scaled prototype of the future ET (Einstein Telescope) GW detectors which will be built in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine sector, and LGWA (Lunar Gravitational Wave Antenna), a lunar GW detector. I am working on mode damping of the E-TEST cryogenic mirrors crystal compressive suspension using optomechanical dampers and on the characterization of horizontal and vertical Cryogenic Superconducting Inertial Sensors (CSISs) which will be part of the aforementioned projects.
My work is orientated toward gravitational wave (GW) instrumentation. It focuses on passive and active seismic sensing parts and isolation strategies for two gr...

Daniel Zimmer (MATH)

Daniel Zimmer profile pic
The goal of my research is to investigate the topology of spaces of embeddings, using tools from algebraic topology ; more precisely, I investigate cosimplicial models for such spaces built using the calculus of functors.
The goal of my research is to investigate the topology of spaces of embeddings, using tools from algebraic topology ; more precisely, I investigate cosimplicial...

Office: B.432

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3169


Master students (8)

Romain Gorski (CP3)

Romain Gorski profile pic
Master student studying AGN (Active Galaxy Nuclei) using electromagnetic, neutrinos and gravitational waves data. The main objective is to search for correlations and space-time coincidence between those three. To do so, I make use of computational and data analysis (plus an ounce of machine learning) methods.
Master student studying AGN (Active Galaxy Nuclei) using electromagnetic, neutrinos and gravitational waves data. The main objective is to search for correlatio...

Office: E. Lannoye

Gauthier Hanse (CP3)

Gauthier Hanse profile pic

Maxime Harvengt (CP3)

Maxime Harvengt profile pic

Brieux Kaczmarczyk (CP3)

Brieux Kaczmarczyk profile pic
Applicability of non-parametric data-driven background modelling using conditional probabilities for CMS data analysis
Applicability of non-parametric data-driven background modelling using conditional probabilities for CMS data analysis

Office: E.048

Louis Lovat (CP3)

Louis Lovat profile pic

Office: E.66

William Puget (CP3)

William Puget profile pic

Victor Verschuren (CP3)

Victor Verschuren profile pic

Perrine Wilmet (CP3)

Perrine Wilmet profile pic

Phone: (+32 10 4) 0472626482

Technical staff (15)

Nordin Abdelkhalek (CRC)

Nordin Abdelkhalek profile pic

Office: F.034.

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73337


Frédéric Amand (CRC)

Frédéric Amand profile pic

Office: F.034


Laurent Bruniaux (CP3)

Laurent Bruniaux profile pic

Office: F011

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73214


Quentin de Smedt (CP3)

Quentin de Smedt profile pic

Thomas Debecquevort (CRC)

Thomas Debecquevort profile pic

Office: E.157

Benoît Dehantschutter (CRC)

Benoît Dehantschutter profile pic

Office: F.033


Sébastien François (CRC)

Sébastien François profile pic

Matheus Gomes (CRC)

Matheus Gomes profile pic

Raphaël Indot (CP3)

Raphaël Indot profile pic

Office: E.070



Pascal JONCKMAN profile pic

Michael Jonckman (CP3)

Michael Jonckman profile pic

Office: F.006

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3214



Pascal LECLERCQ profile pic

Office: F.034

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3337



Kaihow SOUPHAN profile pic

Office: F.031

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3237


Nicolas Szilasi (CP3)

Nicolas Szilasi profile pic

Office: E.157

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3258


Gregory Urbain (CRC)

Gregory Urbain profile pic

Office: F.033

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3326


Administrative staff (5)

Cathy Brichard (CRC, GPP, IRMP, MATH)

Cathy Brichard profile pic

Office: B.328

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3281


Martine Furnémont (GPP, IRMP, MATH)

Martine Furnémont profile pic

Office: B.433

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3174


Elodie Hannoy (GPP, IRMP, MATH)

Elodie Hannoy profile pic

Office: B.434

Phone: (+32 10 4) 73288


Stéphanie Landrain (CP3)

Stéphanie Landrain profile pic

Office: E.346

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3080


Carinne Mertens (CP3, CURL)

Carinne Mertens profile pic
Providing secretarial support to CP3 and CURL
Providing secretarial support to CP3 and CURL

Office: E.347

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3273


Visitors (10)

Brigitte Bloch-Devaux (CP3)

Brigitte Bloch-Devaux profile pic

Abhishek Chauhan (CP3)

Abhishek Chauhan profile pic
Collaborating with Andrea Giammanco's muography team.
Collaborating with Andrea Giammanco's muography team.

Michele Dradi (CP3)

Michele Dradi profile pic

Luigi Favaro (CP3)

Luigi Favaro profile pic

André Füzfa (CURL)

André Füzfa profile pic
Professor at FUNDP, working in theoretical cosmology: interpretations of dark energy, observational constraints from structure formation, Hubble diagram, CMB, ... and on complex systems in general relativity: dynamical systems, multi-physics N-body simulations, numerical relativity.
Professor at FUNDP, working in theoretical cosmology: interpretations of dark energy, observational constraints from structure formation, Hubble diagram, CMB, ....

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3217

Yiming LIU (CP3)

Yiming LIU profile pic

Michele Lucente (CP3)

Michele Lucente profile pic
I work on extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics aimed at accounting for the observed neutrino masses and flavour mixing, the origin of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe and the nature of dark matter. I am currently developing a new computer tool (MadbaM) devoted to precision computations of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe in beyond the Standard Model realisations.
I work on extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics aimed at accounting for the observed neutrino masses and flavour mixing, the origin of the baryon...

Narayan Rana (CP3)

Narayan Rana profile pic

Artur Shaikhiev (CP3)

Artur Shaikhiev profile pic
Search for rare decays/new particles. Interested in Monte Carlo simulation of physics experiments
Search for rare decays/new particles. Interested in Monte Carlo simulation of physics experiments

Ayman Youssef (CP3)

Ayman Youssef profile pic

Interns (10)

Pablo Benlliure Cortina (CP3)

Pablo Benlliure Cortina profile pic
Internship with Eduardo Cortina
Internship with Eduardo Cortina

Phone: (+32 10 4) +34 617 85 1

Clementine de Broux (CURL)

Clementine de Broux profile pic

Arthur Dedieu (CP3)

Arthur Dedieu profile pic

Valentin Durupt (CP3)

Valentin Durupt profile pic

Emma Gohé (CP3)

Emma Gohé profile pic

Beccatini Luca (CP3)

Beccatini Luca profile pic

Giorgio Mauceri (CP3)

Giorgio Mauceri profile pic
PileUp Per-Particle Identification (PUPPI) developments and studies in the context of CMS and Delphes.
PileUp Per-Particle Identification (PUPPI) developments and studies in the context of CMS and Delphes.

Office: E.163

Thibaud Solbreux (CP3)

Thibaud Solbreux profile pic

Giuseppe Ventura (CP3)

Giuseppe Ventura profile pic

Antony Wendels (CP3)

Antony Wendels profile pic

Office: E048


Guests (4)

Thierry Delbar (CP3)

Thierry Delbar profile pic
Production and collection of Li8 and B8 nuclei to be used for the production of neutrino beams (project EuroNu)
Production and collection of Li8 and B8 nuclei to be used for the production of neutrino beams (project EuroNu)

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3202


Denis Favart (CP3)

Denis Favart profile pic

Ghislain Grégoire (CP3)

Ghislain Grégoire profile pic
Experimentalist. Detection of radiations (nearly all types ...). Design, simulation, construction, setup and operation of radiation detectors.
Experimentalist. Detection of radiations (nearly all types ...). Design, simulation, construction, setup and operation of radiation detectors.

Office: B.224

Phone: (+32 10 4) 7 3216


René Prieels (CP3)

René Prieels profile pic
Energy issues: analysis of the energy future based mainly on the physical capabilities of all resources available.
Energy issues: analysis of the energy future based mainly on the physical capabilities of all resources available.