Archives for LAB

Open Seminar

Water drainage and sanitation coproduction in african cities

LoUIsE research centre (ULB) and Louvain Research Institute for Landscape, Architecture, Built Environment (LAB UCLouvain) would like to invite you to the joint open seminar entitled: Water drainage and sanitation coproduction in african cities that will take place at the Faculty of...
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Research Talk Innovative Classroom Design and Student...

The talk is now rescheduled from the originally planned 11:00 to 16:00 on Thursday, 13 June, at the Vinci Building - Pepermans Room, LLN. Innovative Classroom Design and Student Well-being: Insights from Chile We are pleased to invite you to a research talk by Prof. Beatriz Piderit from...
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Study day

Does sustainable architecture wear out?

Subject Does sustainable architecture wear out? Posed in a seemingly paradoxical way, the question concerns the relationship between architecture, sustainability, and wear. While, in theory, it may seem obvious that architecture is made to be durable, that today it must be sustainable, and...
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International conference - Housing is Caring

L’UCLouvain/Saint-Louis (CTRL+H - Uses&Spaces – LOCI/LAB), Angela.D asbl and ULB (La Cambre-Hortense) invite you to the conference « Housing is Caring : Housing through Gender Studies » on November 22, 23 and 24, 2023 in Brussels. This event aims to bring together different participants...
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From the Urban DMA to Walkability and Walking

Research Seminar by Dr Elek Pafka from the ‘Informal Urbanism Research Hub (InfUr-), the University of Melbourne Walkability has emerged as a focus of multi-disciplinary research, linked to the aims of reversing car-dependence and re-enabling walking as a healthy, environmentally sustainable...
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