Archives for ELI


ELIE seminar

Hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of volcanic soils and...

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Défense de thèse

Gestion des déchets ménagers urbains Analyse des...

Cette recherche développe une approche quantitative originale de la problématique de la collecte des déchets ménagers de Kinshasa, métropole de plus de 16 millions d’habitants avec une urbanisation et une démographie incontrôlée, à l’instar de nombreuses mégalopoles du global south. Cette...
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Défense de thèse

Modelling ice-ocean interactions in the Totten Glacier...

The Antarctic Climate is characterized by strong interactions between the ocean, cryosphere and atmosphere and it plays a key role in the Earth’s Climate by driving the storage and redistribution of heat, freshwater and CO2. However, our understanding of the Antarctic Climate processes are still...
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elia seminar

Is cocoa production a main driver of child labor in...

Child labor is considered to be a major concern among cocoa farm households. Studies have extensively documented the prevalence of child labor in the sector and evaluated how cocoa supply chains and farm household livelihoods shape child labor. Yet, the question to what extent cocoa production...
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Elic seminar

Price incentives and unregulated deforestation: evidence...

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