Archives for ELI


Chaire Francqui

Tree carbon uptake under climate change: interacting...

Le 24 novembre prochain, le Prof. David Ellsworth (chaire Francqui), spécialiste des interactions sols-écosystèmes-atmosphère (d'un point de vue expérimental et en modélisation), donnera une conférence de 9h15 à 10h au B059 Carnoy, sur le thème “Tree carbon uptake under climate...
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Cours LENVI2002

Economie circulaire by Vincent Truyens

Vincent Truyens présentera " Economie circulaire"
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ELIE seminar

Physically based hydrological modelling and High...

Hydrological modelling has experienced a transition from phenomenological and observation-matching modelling approaches into process and physics based formulations. The are many reasons for this, including the need of specific spatially-explicit quantitative information, dealing with a changing...
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Celebration of Jacques Mahillon’s emeritus

On November 10, 2022, you are cordially invited to participate in a small symposium organized as part of my Emeritus. This scientific meeting aims to take up the main themes developed in our laboratory over the past 30 years. They will be illustrated by colleagues, from here and elsewhere,...
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Seminaire ELIV

How humans have genetically modified nature by Beth Shapira

Simon Braem 'll introduce the movie
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