Archives for LFIN

Finance Seminar

Finance Seminar: Stefan Palan

Earnings Autocorrelation and the Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift Stefan Palan, University of Graz Abstract : Post-earnings-announcement drift (PEAD) is one of the most solidly documented asset pricing anomalies in the literature. This paper presents the first investigation into...
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Louvain Finance Seminar

Finance Seminar: Yang Lu

Joint ISBA/LFIN Statistics Seminar Noncausal Affine Process with Appliations to Derivative Pricing Yang Lu, Université Paris 13 Abstract: Linear factor models, where the factors are affine processes, play a key role in Finance, since they allow for quasi-closed form expressions of the...
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SoFiE Financial Econometrics School Brussels 2019

  The 2019 SoFiE Financial Econometrics School will be held in Brussels on September 16-20. This year's topic is Dynamic Pricing with Discrete Time Affine Processes The SoFiE Financial Econometrics Schools are annual week-long research-based courses for Ph.D. students and new...
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Finance Seminar

Janet Gao, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University

Overreaction in Credit Spreads: The Role of Lenders' Personal Economic Experiences Janet Gao, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University We provide micro-level evidence that credit spreads overreact to lenders’ recent personal economic experiences. Using unique data on the location of...
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Finace Seminar

Sydney Ludvingston, New York University

Joint with UCLouvain Economics Seminar
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