The Rector's Office supports the Rector and the rectoral council in the accomplishment of their missions and in the development of UCLouvain's policy, both internally and externally.
It acts in the following areas:
- education and training
- research
- national and international institutional relations
- the management of the institution
The Office prepares and follows up the files:
- of the rectoral council
- of the academic council and the executive board
- of external bodies: CRef, ARES, FNRS, Pôles, etc.
The Office assists the rectoral council in the management of the individual files of the members of the academic body. It performs a specific administrative function for the execution and follow-up of procedures concerning :
- the academic framework
- the allocation of teaching expenses
The Office offers support in the analysis, reflection and examination of cases; it participates in working groups on specific projects and in the work of numerous university bodies.
The Rector's Office carries out its mission in close collaboration with the general services concerned and with the legal advisors of the UCLouvain, in particular through the group of lawyers. It also maintains close relations with the faculties and institutes.
Head of Staff
- Mrs Isabelle Petit, Secretary of the Rectoral Council
Project managers
- Mrs Emilie Vilcot in charge of missions to the Vice-Rector for Staff Policy and sector Vice-Rectors, Secretary of the Academic Council and the Executive Office
- Mrs Cécile Lion in charge of academic files and procedures
- Mr Ugo Petropoulos in charge of the communication Authorities' communication
Assistant to the Rector
Secrétariat des Vice- et prorecteurs
- Mrs Annick Milquet and Camille Heine, assistants to the sector Vice-Rectors and to the mission Pro-rectors
- Mrs Andree Chiriac Merlea, assitant to the Vice-Rector for the staff Policy
Logistics Staff
Reception of delegations and visits
- Mrs Isabelle Petit, Head of Staff, Secretary of the Rectoral Council
+32(0)10 47 88 05
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Place de l'Université 1
B - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve