News for lourim

LOURIM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

LouRIM Award 2016 granted to Nicolas KERVYN

On 30th May, LouRIM held its yearly internal event.  On this occasion the research award was granted to Prof. Nicolas KERVYN for his paper "Savouring morality. Moral satisfaction renders food of ethical origin subjectively tastier".
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Invited Conference by Prof. Yves Pigneur, Université de...

Speaker: Prof. Yves Pigneur, Université de Lausanne Title: How To Design and Test Business Models and Value Propositions Language: English Date : May 8, from 9:00 to 10:30 Venue: LLN, STUD11 Abstract In this interactive talk with hands-on exercises Yves...
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BERD 2017, May 16, 2017

8th  Belgian Entrepreneurship Research Day, Mons (Ateliers FUCAM) Deadline for submission extended to April 20, 2017  After Antwerp (2010), Louvain-la-Neuve (2011), Hasselt-Diepenbeek (2012), Brussels (2013, 2016), Gent (2014), and Namur (2015), the Belgian Entrepreneurship...
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Research Seminar: Management of older workers and...

by Philippe Debroux, Soka University, Faculty of Business Wednesday 22 March from 13:30 until 14:30 in room Doyen 22  Abstract This presentation develops an HRM perspective on the management of a specific segment or ‘asset’ in the labor market; namely, older workers...
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Public Thesis Dissertation by Thanh-Diane Nguyen

Title: « A Cross-Device Pattern-based Approach for Designing Multiple User Interfaces to Information Systems » Date and Venue: 29 March 2017 at 9:30, Salle Vaes (LSM, Bâtiment Doyen, Place des Doyens 1, Louvain-la-Neuve) Abstract: Based on a comparative analysis of different user...
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