Legal monitoring of scholarship and case law


Since September 2023, the ILOAC Teams offers a legal monitoring of scholarship and case law on international law in relation to armed conflicts. Every three months, students (Clara Guéguen and Hugo Guyaux) provide the Team with a very rich and detailed update of the scholarship and case law in international humanitarian law, international human rights law in armed conflict and international criminal law.

You may benefit from this legal monitoring by clicking to the links below.

1. Legal Monitoring from September to November 2023

To access the index, click here, and to access the Excel document, click here.

2. Legal Monitoring from December 2023 to March 2024

To access the index, click here, and to access the Excel document, click here.

3. Legal Monitoring from March to June 2024

To access the index, click here, and to access the Excel document, click here.

Published on August 07, 2024