Financial aid


Because continuing education is becoming ever more important, both from a personal and a professional perspective, a number of different types of educational financial aid have been created. They are specifically tied to professional fields, your specific status, the region in which you live, etc.

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Financial aid

For what programs?

Who does what?

are starting a degree-granting programme

Allocations d’études (Student allowance)

for degree-granting programmes

Personal request made to the institution

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work in the private sector

Educational leave

only for accredited programmes

Personal request made to the employer (if UCL has received accreditation for the programme)

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want to benefit from time off for training

Crédit-temps (Time-off allowance)

For all programmes

Personal request made to the employer

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work in a SME or as a sole trader in Wallonia

Walloon Region Educational Vouchers (Chèques-Formation)

only for accredited programmes

Personal request made to the employer (if UCL has received accreditation for the programme)

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live in Brussels and work as a sole trader or have been employed for less than 6 months

Actiris educational vouchers

For all programmes

Employer makes request to Actiris

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work in the Brussels-Capital Region

Educational Aid

For all programmes

Personal request made to the employer

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work in the German-Speaking Community

BRAWO programme

For all programmes

Personal request made to the employer

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work at an organisation that is under a Joint Committee

Educational plans financed by industry-wide funds

Personal request made to the Joint Committee