International Francqui Professor Inaugural Lecture


February 08, 2018

5.00 PM - 6:30 PM

Free admission but registration required


Room Montesquieu 01

Mobility and Migration Diversity: New Horizons for Human Rights

Version française ici

International Francqui Professor
Inaugural Lecture


Pr. François Crépeau (McGill, Canada)

Pr. François Crépeau holds the Hans and Tamar Oppenheimer Chair in Public International Law, at the Faculty of Law of McGill University. He was the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants from 2011 to 2017.

His research interests include the control of migration flows, the rights and freedoms of refugees, new conceptions of security applied to migrants, and the rule of law in the face of globalisation processes.

François Crépeau will be at the Université Catholique de Louvain from January to June 2018 as part of the Chair Francqui International Professor for Human Sciences, organised in collaboration with seven universities (UCLouvain, KULeuven, UAntwerpen, UGent, ULiège, USt-Louis Brussels, ULBrussels). He will be staying at the Centre Charles De Visscher pour le droit international et européen (CeDIE) within the Équipe droits européens et migrations (EDEM).

The inaugural lecture will be held on Thursday 8 February at 5 PM in Louvain-la-Neuve.

Émile Francqui      

Languages : French and English.


Pierre van Moerbeke, CEO of the Francqui Foundation,

Vincent Blondel, Rector of the UCL,

Geneviève Schamps, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Criminology,

Jean-François Van Drooghenbroeck, President of the Institute for the Interdisciplinary Research in Legal Sciences,

cordially invite you to the

Inaugural Lecture by François Crépeau, International Francqui Professor

4.30   Opening

5.00   Beginning of the Ceremony

in the presence of Pr. Vincent Blondel, Rector of the UCL

5.10   Introduction, Pr. Jean-François van Drooghenbroeck, President of the Institute for the Interdisciplinary Research in Legal Sciences

5.20   Awarding of the Francqui Medal, Pr. em. Pierre Van Moerbeke, Francqui Foundation



5.30   Inaugural Lecture, Pr. François Crépeau, McGill University

Mobility and Migration Diversity: New Horizons for Human Rights



6.15   Conclusion, Pr. Sylvie Sarolea, President of the Centre Charles de Visscher pour le droit international et européen, Founder of the Équipe droits européens et migrations (EDEM)



6.30   Reception

Upcoming Events

27 February 2018 (8 PM), UCL Louvain-la-Neuve
Projection of Ai Weiwei's movie "Human Flows", information and registration here.

22 March 2018, UCL Louvain-la-Neuve
Conference on economic migration, information and registration here.

29 March 2018, U. Gent
(10 AM-1 PM) Class of Excellence : Human Rights Law Taking up the Migration Challenge ?, information and registration here.
(5 PM-6 PM) Public Lecture : The Global Compact on Migration, information and registration here.

18 avril 2018, U. Liège
Master Class


19 April 2018 (2 PM-5 PM), U. Antwerpen
Master Class: The Integration of Migrants in a Changing Labour Market, information here.


4 May 2018, U. Saint-Louis Brussels
Symposium, Controls and Hospitalities, Towards Migratory Policies that Strengthen Contemporary Democracy

17-18 May 2018, Max Planck Halle
Humanitarian Visas

1 June 2018, KULeuven
Human Rights and Migration

Past events

1 February 2018, ULB Brussels
Conference of the Odysseus network,  information here.

8 February 2018 (5 PM-7 PM), UCL Louvain-la-Neuve
Inaugural Lecture.

Dates to be determined : ULg Liège, UCL Louvain-la-Neuve, Louvain4Migration.

The International Francqui Professor Chair is a collaboration of

          UCLouvain Pr. Jean-Yves Carlier and Sylvie Sarolea
KULeuven Pr. Marie-Claire Foblets and Steven Bouckaert
UAntwerpen Pr. Dirk Vanheule and Luc Leboeuf
UGent Pr. Jinske Verhellen and Ellen Desmet
ULiège Pr. Patrick Wautelet and Marco Martinello
    USt-Louis Brussels Pr. Denis Duez
ULBrussels Pr. Philippe De Bruycker