Chaire Francqui opening lecture of Pr.Thomas Spijkerboer (VU)


Pr. Thomas Spijkerboer is professor of Migration Law at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

The subject of the opening lecture is the following:

Confronting the colonial structure of international migration law. 

Legal doctrine in the global North asserts that it is well-established in international law that states have the right to control migration, as a consequence of which individuals have an international law-based claim to admission or non-removal only in exceptional cases. This legal doctrine has been shaped by colonialism and continues to have a colonial deep structure. Legal doctrine in formerly colonized parts of the world does not necessarily share Northern doctrine. How can legal academics confront this pluralist and contested character of the field they are working in?

The inaugural lecture will take place digitally on Wednesday 20 January 2021, at 17:30.

Please register your digital attendance until 15 January via, Registration is mandatory.


Published on December 16, 2020