Gabriel STILLEMANS - TFAR PMGK - Optimization of darunavir therapy through population pharmacokinetic modeling and simulations

Bruxelles Woluwe

March 19, 2021

Friday March 19, 2021, 2pm 

Gabriel Stillemans

Integrated PharmacoMetrics, pharmacoGenomics and pharmacoKinetics (PMGK, LDRI)
Louvain centre for Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology (LTAP, IREC)

Optimization of darunavir therapy through population pharmacokinetic modeling and simulations

Link to join the meeting :

Directors : Laure Elens, Vincent Haufroid

Related publications :
- G. Stillemans, H.P. Djokoto, K-A. Delongie, H. El-Hamdaoui, N. Panin, V. Haufroid, L. Elens, Effect of four ABCB1 genetic polymorphisms on the accumulation of darunavir in HEK293 recombinant cell lines, Scientific Reports (Revision submitted, 2021).
- G. Stillemans, L. Belkhir, B. Vandercam, A. Vincent, V. Haufroid and L. Elens, Optimal sampling strategies for darunavir and external validation of the underlying population pharmacokinetic model, European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 77 (2021), pp. 607-616
- G. Stillemans, L. Belkhir, B. Vandercam, A. Vincent, V. Haufroid and L. Elens, Exploration of reduced doses and short cycle therapy for darunavir/cobicistat in patients with HIV using population pharmacokinetic modeling and simulations, Clinical Pharmacokinetics 60 (2021), pp. 177-189.
- G. Stillemans, L. Belkhir, D.A. Hesselink, V. Haufroid and L. Elens, Pharmacogenetic associations with cytochrome P450 in antiretroviral therapy: what does the future hold?, Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology 14 (2018), pp. 601–611.

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