Xiao LIU - Thesis public defence

Bruxelles Woluwe

March 28, 2022

Monday March 28, 2022 - 4-6pm - Auditoire Maisin


Development of a long-acting version of alpha1antitrypsin for augmentation therapy in alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency

Promotor: Rita Vanbever

Publication list:

  • Liu X, Vanvarenberg K, Guy Wilfried Kouassi K, Mahri S, Vanbever R. Production and characterization of mono-PEGylated alpha-1 antitrypsin for augmentation therapy. International journal of pharmaceutics 2021:121355.
  • Liu X, Guy Wilfried Kouassi K, Vanbever R, Dumoulin M. Impact of the PEG length and PEGylation site on the structural, thermodynamic and thermal stability of mono-PEGylated alpha-1 antitrypsin. Submitted to Prot Sc.

Info: rita.vanbever@uclouvain.be