05/11/2024 - Circle U. Climate Hub 3rd Happy Hour Event


November 05, 2024

10:00 -12:30

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Climate related challenges and pathways for building climate resilience on islands

Date: 05 November 2024, 10:00 - 12:30

Location: Hybrid format: Virtual (via ZOOM) and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (main building, room 2249a)

Target Audience: Circle U. researchers (PhD students, others, …) interested in climate science and water management.


  • Circle U., Climate Hub
  • UClouvain, Louvain4Water
  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Background of Circle U., Climate Hub, Happy Hour Event (HHE)

The overall objective of the HHE is to strengthen the partnership between Circle U. units within the “Climate Change Knowledge Hub”. We believe that this needs a better understanding of the partners’ different thematic research fields and available specific expertise.

The Circle U., Climate Knowledge Hub, Happy Hour Events (HHE) are organized to reach this objective. An HHE is a short scientific event (typically lasting no more than 3 hours), consisting in two keynote lectures (one from the natural sciences and one from the human science domain), followed by a debate, a set of small pitch presentations and a final debate. The HHE is targeted to young researchers and doctoral students of the different partners. The participation in an HHE is certified by the organisers and can be included in the participants’ portfolio of research training.

Scope and objectives of the Circle U.  Climate Knowledge Hub Happy Hour Event

Islands face a unique set of climate-related challenges due to their geographical and environmental characteristics. Specific challenges associated with projected sea level rise include enhanced coastal erosion, increased flooding risk, and saltwater intrusion. Additionally, other climate-related issues may significantly impact the various ecological and economic functions and services of small islands.

Small islands also contend with the tyranny of distance and a lack of alternative resources, making the design of resilient adaptation and mitigation strategies a cumbersome task. In this context, the HHE aims to improve the understanding of climate-specific constraints and to help consolidate the scientific basis for designing climate-resilient adaptation programs for islands.

Format of the Happy Hour Event

Two keynote lectures will allow to present specific cases dealing with climate constraints and climate resilience for islands.

A call is made for PhD students and researchers of Circle U. to present a pitch presentation of scientific studies related to the assessment of climate and climate-related constraints for islands, as well as to the adaptation to climate change on islands.

Contributions are solicited on the following topics:

  • Extreme Hydroclimatic Observations on Islands: Including studies on sea level rise and extreme weather events.
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Essential Physical Island Ecosystem Functions: Such as food production and water resources.
  • Impacts on Island Sectorial Functions and Services: Including habitat, transport, tourism, and other critical services.
  • Effects on Island Economy, Society, and Culture: Assessing the impacts on economic activities, societal structures, and cultural heritage, for past, present, and future events.

Submission format and deadline

PhD students and researchers of Circle U. are invited to submit their pitch proposals in the following format

  • Name
  • Affilitiation
  • Abstract

Pitch proposals should be submitted before 25/10/24, 24h00.

Selected pitch proposals will be invited for a pitch presentation of 3 minutes + 2 minutes of discussion.

Publications and certifications

The oral and pitch presentations will be registered and will be made available on the web site of the event

A book of abstracts will be made available on the web site of the event

A certificate of participation will be delivered to participants

Preliminary programme

10:00 - 10:05 - Welcome

10:05-10:30 - Keynote 1 by Veerle Vanackere (UCLouvain) "Evaluation of nature-based climate solutions for agricultural landscapes in the Galapagos Islands"

10:30-10:40 - Q&A

10:40-11:05 - Keynote 2 by Dr. Hillary Briffa (King's College London) - title to be announcedto be announced

11:05-11:15 - Q&A

11:15-12h:15 - An ensemble of PhD pitch presentations (3 min presentation per pitch, 2 min questions – discussion per pitch). To be announced.

12:15-12:30 - Final discussion

Registration form


This project has received funding from the European Union’s ERASMUS+ Programme under grant agreement No 101124639