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Autonomy = Responsibility
During the institutional evaluation carried out by the quality agency AEQES in 2019, UCLouvain demonstrated the robustness of its quality system and was authorised to autonomously take charge of the external evaluation of its programmes for the period from 2023-24 to 2028-29.
Under the guidance of the Academic Programme Quality group (QAP), UCLouvain has developed its own methodology for the external evaluation of its programmes: the Evaluation facultaire de la qualité des formations (EFaQ). It can be translated into Faculty evaluation of the quality of the programmes.
The EFaQ methodology is based on principles defined by the institution and takes account of European quality assurance recommendations (ESG: European Standard and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area).
The QOPA office, within the administration of study, coordinates the approach and supports the faculties throughout the evaluation process. For the faculties on the Saint-Louis site, coordination and support are provided by the Saint-Louis Teaching Administration Service (SAEB).
EFaQ in a nutshellIt's a formative evaluation of the quality of the programmes offered by a faculty. It covers all of a faculty's initial education degrees and continuous education programmes (bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, specialised master's degrees and certificates). It supports the management and improvement of the quality of a faculty's education and is part of the UCLouvain quality system. |
6 years for...
EFaQ follows the same periodicity as the institutional and programme evaluations carried out by AEQES. It is organised in 6-year cycles.
At UCLouvain, the first four years of the cycle are devoted to the EFaQ evaluation, while the last two years are devoted to the institutional evaluation by the AEQES.
During the next institutional evaluation, UCLouvain will have to report to AEQES on the way it manages the external evaluation of its programmes.
Ahead of each evaluation cycle, QOPA draws up a schedule of EFaQ evaluations on the basis of proposals and with the agreement of the Deans, taking account of organisational and operational constraints. During an academic year, several faculties are involved in an evaluation.