Students of European Union nationality are invited to read the information listed below before submitting their online application.
To help you make your request online, do not hesitate to consult:
our explanatory videos on admission to and enrolment at UCLouvain as well as on the various enrolment procedures;
our FAQ (frequently asked questions)
You can also read the information relating to the application of enrolment fees.
Please note that after analyzing your online request, the Enrolment Office reserves the right to ask you for any additional supporting documents it deems useful. This must imperatively reach us within 15 calendar days. Otherwise, your request will be closed.
First of all, please inquire about any additional modalities for baccalaureate holders by consulting the study programme. The specific conditions mentioned below are cumulative
For so-called "contingent" training offers (KINE11BA, LOGO11BA, VETE11BA, DENT11BA and MED11BA) special enrolment arrangements are in place. Please consult the following page and, for enrolment in medecine or dentistry, please consult the ARES website before starting any enrolment procedures.
To access studies in the field of engineering sciences, civil engineer orientation and civil engineer architect orientation, an admission exam is mandatory. You will find all the information you need to register for this exam on the faculty's website.
You do have an European high school degree?
For any secondary school diploma from an European Union country, the admission application must contain the equivalence of your diploma or, at the very least, proof of the filing of the equivalence request with the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (French Community of Belgium). For any information relating to obtaining an equivalence, please refer to the relevant department.
Note: The following two qualifications are automatically deemed equivalent to the Certificate of Upper Secondary Education (Certificat d'enseignement secondaire supérieur – CESS):
European Baccalaureate issued by the Board of Governors of a European School
International Baccalaureate issued by the International Baccalaureate Office in Geneva
You don't have an European high school degree?
Candidates, whatever their nationality, with a secondary school diploma from a country outside the European Union, must have obtained an average of 13/20 minimum or, failing that, have obtained this average, have passed one year of study in Belgium (for example special Maths / sciences).
For any secondary school diploma from a country outside the European Union, the admission application must contain the equivalence of your diploma issued by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (French Community of Belgium). If you have a restrictive equivalence for the programme of your choice, in addition of it, you must have either the DAES or a certificate of successful completion of the examination giving access to 1st cycle studies when you submit your application.
CAUTION: will be refused any application that, when submitted, does not include the equivalence of your secondary school diploma, the DAES or the certificate of successful completion of the examination giving access to 1st cycle studies.
First of all, please inquire about any additional modalities related to your choice of training offer by consulting the programme catalog.
In order to submit your registration, please click on the link below :