Retrouvez ici toutes les nouveautés ebooks acquis durant l'année académique 2023-2024.
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Ceux-ci sont classés par discipline.
Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma, 110, 113, 115
Archaeological treasures of Romania
Archaeology and Conservation Along the Silk Road : 2018 Tabriz Conference Postprints
Challenges, Strategies and High-Tech Applications for Saving the Cultural Heritage of Syria : Proceedings of the Workshop Held at the 10th ICAANE in Vienna, April 2016
Housing in the Ancient Mediterranean World : Material and Textual Approaches
Archaeology and Conservation Along the Silk Road
Gold und Herrschaft
Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone ASMOSIA XI (Split 2015)
Natura : Environmental Aesthetics After Landscape
Onderzoek Romeinse villa Voerendaal-Ten Hove
Enseigner le français - Langue étrangère et seconde : Approche humaniste de la didactique des langues et des cultures
Le FLE en questions : Enseigner le français langue étrangère et seconde
Mobile assisted language learning
Teaching Languages to Students with Specific Learning Differences
Centering Multilingual Learners and Countering Raciolinguistic Ideologies in Teacher Education : Principles, Policies and Practices
Language, Migration and In/Exclusion in the Workplace
Intercultural Citizenship in Language Education: Teaching and Learning Through Social Action
Promoting Reflection on Language Learning: Lessons from a University Setting
Focus on oral interaction
Défense et illustration de la didactique de la littérature, mélanges offerts à Brigitte Louichon
Voies du sensibles : expérience dans l'enseignement de la littérature
Automated Speaking Assessment : Using Language Technologies to Score Spontaneous Speech
The Enigma of the Hyksos, Vol. I-V
The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Neurolinguistics
The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Psycholinguistics
Practice and Automatization in Second Language Research
Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe
L'Amérique latine embrasée
L’Education nouvelle, histoire, présence et devenir : Deuxième tirage
Pathogens Crossing borders
Histoire du débarquement en Normandie
Précis d'analyse filmique
Il perfetto capitano : immagini e realtà, secoli 15.-17. : atti dei Seminari di studi, Georgetown University a Villa Le Balze, Istituto di studi rinascimentali di Ferrara, 1995-1997
Russia, Europe and the world in the long eighteenth century
Le poivre, fragments d'histoire globale
Le corps dans l'histoire et les histoires du corps
Une sociologie historique de l'enfance
Exécuter la loi
Atlas of Classical History
Les femmes dans la France moderne
Pilgrims in place, pilgims in motion
Nourrir les dieux ?
La guerre franco-allemande de 1870
ELT : The Basics
Thinking with Literature : Towards a Cognitive Criticism
Les écritures de l'image par Jean-Philippe Toussaint
Nouveaux fragments d'un discours théorique. Un lexique littéraire
Anthropocene Reading
Climate and the Making of Worlds : Toward a Geohistorical Poetics
Life-Destroying Diagrams
Postmigrantisch gelesen
This Arab Is Queer : An Anthology by LGBTQ+ Arab Writers
Die postmigrantische Gesellschaft : Ein Versprechen der pluralen Demokratie
Reframing Migration, Diversity and the Arts : The Postmigrant Condition
Anne Carson : The Glass Essayist
Reach Without Grasping : Anne Carson's Classical Desires
Postmigrantische Visionen : Erfahrungen - Ideen - Reflexionen
Performing New German Realities : Turkish-German Scripts of Postmigration
Wer ist Wir? : Deutschland und seine Muslime
Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Exilliteratur : Von Heinrich Heine bis Herta Müller
Écrire à l'encre violette
The Literature Police : Apartheid Censorship and Its Cultural Consequences
Transatlantic Translations : Dialogues in Latin American Literature
Critical Perspectives on Afro-Latin American Literature
Capital Fictions : The Literature of Latin America's Export Age
Aesthetic and Artistic Autonomy
Place and Politics in Latin American Digital Culture : Location and Latin American Net Art
Technology, Literature, and Digital Culture in Latin America : Mediatized Sensibilities in a Globalized Era
Gender and the Self in Latin American Literature
Fray : Art and Textile Politics
Mexican Literature in Theory
Madness and Irrationality in Spanish and Latin American Literature and Culture
Fifty Key Figures in LatinX and Latin American Theatre
A Companion to Spanish Environmental Cultural Studies
Translating Minorities and Conflict in Literature : Censorship, Cultural Peripheries, and Dynamics of Self in Literary Translation
The Future of Ecocriticism: New Horizons
Green Modernism : Nature and the English Novel, 1900 to 1930
Ecological Literature and the Critique of Anthropocentrism
Modernism and Its Environments
Criticism After Theory From Shakespeare to Virginia Woolf
The Oxford Handbook of Twentieth-Century American Literature
The Environmental Unconscious : Ecological Poetics From Spenser to Milton
Heteronomieästhetik der Moderne
Theodor Fontane Handbuch
De letteren als wetenschappen
The Riddle of Literary Quality
The Language of Police Interviewing : A Critical Analysis
Handbook of Psychology of Investigative Interviewing : Current Developments and Future Directions
Language and law: a resource book for students
Humoring Resistance : Laughter and the Excessive Body in Latin American Women's Fiction
Multilingualism, Nationhood, and Cultural Identity : Northern Europe, 16th-19th Centuries
Contemporary Central American Fiction : Gender, Subjectivity and Affect
The Limits of Cosmopolitanism : Globalization and Its Discontents in Contemporary Literature
Literary Modernism, Queer Temporality : Eddies in Time
Writing Revolution in Latin America : From Martí to García Márquez to Bolaño
The New Feminist Literary Studies
New Forms of Self-Narration : Young Women, Life Writing and Human Rights
Climate Change, Literature, and Environmental Justice : Poetics of Dissent and Repair
Apocalyptic Visions in the Anthropocene and the Rise of Climate Fiction
A Brief Literary History of Disability
Monstrous Women and Ecofeminism in the Victorian Gothic, 1837–1871
A History of South African Literature
South African Writing in Transition
A History of South African Literature : Afrikaans Literature
Essays on Contemporary Dutch Literature : Migration – Identity Negotiation – Cultural Memory
Star Authors in the Age of Romanticism : Literary Celebrity in the Netherlands
The Postcolonial Middle Ages
Power Play : The Literature and Politics of Chess in the Late Middle Ages
The Routledge Handbook of Literary Translation
The ‘Roman De La Rose' and Thirteenth-Century Thought
Méthodes de critique littéraire
Poisoned Wells : Accusations, Persecution, and Minorities in Medieval Europe, 1321-1422
State and Law in the Context of Modern Challenges
The Voice of Silence
Slow Narrative and Nonhuman Materialities
Animal Soundscapes in Anglo-Norman Texts
Criticism and Politics : A Polemical Introduction
Pascale Casanova’s World of Letters and Its Legacies
The Routledge Handbook of Global Cultural Policy
Canadian Cultural Policy in Transition
Cultural Policy and Federalism
Under the Literary Microscope : Science and Society in the Contemporary Novel
Fear and Nature : Ecohorror Studies in the Anthropocene
Ceremonial Splendor : Performing Priesthood in Early Modern France
Die Farben der Romantik : Physik und Physiologie, Kunst und Literatur
Kulturkritik zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich (1890–1933)
Krieg fuer die Kultur? Une guerre pour la civilisation? : Intellektuelle Legitimationsversuche des Ersten Weltkriegs in Deutschland und Frankreich (1914–1918)
"Kafkanien". Carl Schmitt, Franz Kafka und der moderne Verfassungsstaat. Dekonstruktion und Dämonisierung des Rechts
Sterne in stiller werdenden Nächten. Lektüren zu Goethes Spätwerk
Freundesbriefe 1922-1955
Romantik. Eine Einführung
Shakespeare, lointain et proche : Hommage à Richard Marienstras
The Routledge Handbook of the Peoples and Places of Ancient Western Asia
A History of Chinese Letters and Epistolary Culture
A Student's Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese
Books of Fate and Popular Culture in Early China
Caucasian Albania
Contacts of Languages and Peoples in the Hittite and Post-Hittite World
A Lasting Vision
Analytical Comparative Etymological Dictionary of Reduplication in the Major Languages of the Middle East and Iran
Dharmakīrti’s Sambandhaparīkṣā and Devendrabuddhi's Sambandhaparīkṣāvṛtti
Buddhist Hymns
Jinendrabuddhi's Viśālāmalavatī Pramāṇasamuccayaṭīkā
Before and after Babel
A Descriptive and Comparative Grammar of Western Old Japanese
Body, Cosmos and Eternity
Mobility and migration in Byzantium : a sourcebook
Collective Violence and Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean
Dmitrievskii’s Euchologia: A Modified English Version of Volume II of Aleksei Dmitrievskii’s Description of Liturgical Manuscripts Preserved in the Libraries of the Orthodox East (Kyiv 1901)
Syllabaire élamite : histoire et paléographie
Elamisches Wörterbuch
Candrakīrti’s Madhyamakāvatārabhāṣya : chapters 1 to 5, critically and diplomatically edited on the basis of preparatory work by Helmut Krasser
Poets of the Tamil Anthologies : Ancient Poems of Love and War
To the heart of truth : felicitation volume for Eli Franco on the occasion of his seventieth birthday
Gāyatrī : Mantra and Mother of the Vedas
Confucius latinus : contribution à l'étude des traductions latines des "Entretiens" de Confucius par les Jésuites (XVIIe-XIXe siècle)
Narrative and Narrativity in Ancient Egypt : Case Studies on Narrative Difference in Various Media
An Early-Eighteenth-Century Hmayil
Corpus Linguistics and Second Language AcquisitionPerspectives, Issues, and Findings
Bilingual Writers and Corpus Analysis
The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Writing
Translation Revision and Post-editing : Industry Practices and Cognitive Processes
Advances in Corpus Applications in Literary and Translation Studies
Corpus Approaches to Language in Social Media
The English Binomial Noun Phrase : A Cognitive-Functional Approach
Dependency Structures From Syntax to Discourse : A Corpus Study of Journalistic English
Current Perspectives in Spanish Lexical Development
Stylistics : Text, Cognition and Corpora
Quantitative Research Methods in Translation and Interpreting Studies
EQO ⫶ DUENOSIO. Studi offerti a Luciano Agostiniani
A Pragmatic Agenda for Healthcare
The Perils of Interpreting : The Extraordinary Lives of Two Translators Between Qing China and the British Empire
The Routledge Guide to Teaching Ethics in Translation and Interpreting Education
Challenging the Myth of Monolingual Corpora
The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology
The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Education
Working As a Professional Translator
The Social Life of Words
Shakespeare and the Institution of Theatre
Politics and Theatre in Twentieth-Century Europe
Slapstick and Comic Performance
Controversy in French Drama
New Directions in Teaching Theatre Arts
Anti-War Theatre After Brecht
War and Theatrical Innovation
Immersive Theatre and Audience Experience
Greek Tragedy and the Contemporary Actor
Contemporary Theatre Education and Creative Learning
Affects in 21st-Century British Theatre
The Challenge of World Theatre History
Considering Ethics in Dance, Theatre and Performance
Mapping Global Theatre Histories
The Routledge Companion to Contemporary European Theatre and Performance
The Development of African Drama
The Art and Science of Ballet Dancing and Teaching
Theatre of the Oppressed and its Times
Bringing Set and Costume Designs to Fruition
Opera in Performance
Improvised Dance
Independent Performing Arts in Europe
The Art of Dance Composition
Performance and Translation in a Global Age
Adapting Greek Tragedy : Contemporary Contexts for Ancient Texts
The Censorship of Eighteenth-Century Theatre : Playhouses and Prohibition, 1737–1843
Chekhov in Context
Sustainable Theatre: Theory, Context, Practice
Writing for Stage and Screen : Creating a Perception Shift in the Audience
World Cinema On Demand : Global Film Cultures in the Era of Online Distribution
The Story of Victorian Film
Art in the Cinema : The Mid-Century Art Documentary
Shakespeare on Prejudice : 'Scorns and Mislike' in Shakespeare's Plays
Mapping Medea
Technology and the Making of Experimental Film Culture
L'apothéose d'Arlequin : la Comédie-Italienne de Paris : un théâtre de l’expérimentation dramatique au ⅩⅤⅠⅠⅠᵉ siècle
Quels rôles pour le spectateur de l'ère numérique ? : Questions de théâtre
Spectatorship and the Real in French Contemporary Theatre
Shakespearean Biofiction on the Contemporary Stage and Screen
Theatre Responds to Social Trauma
The Legacy of Stylistic Theatre in the Creation of a Modern Sinhala Drama in Sri Lanka
Screened Stages : On Theatre in Film
Choreomata : Performance and Performativity after AI
The Art of the Filmmaker
Brechtian Cinemas : Montage and Theatricality in Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet, Peter Watkins, and Lars Von Trier
The Slapstick Camera : Hollywood and the Comedy of Self-Reference
Screening #MeToo : Rape Culture in Hollywood
Distancing Representations in Transgender Film : Identification, Affect, and the Audience
Through a Nuclear Lens : France, Japan, and Cinema From Hiroshima to Fukushima