Lymphatic Symposium


01 juillet 2024


Auditoire Maisin

Dear colleagues,

We have the pleasure of inviting you to the Lymphatic Symposium entitled:

Flowing Forward: Unveiling the Journey from Brainwash to Peripheral Drain, Through Alzheimer’s to Lymphedema.

Date: Monday, July 1st

Time: 16:00 – 18:45

Place: Auditoire Maisin (Avenue E. Mounier 51, 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert)


  • 16h00-16h10: Prof Miikka Vikkula (de Duve Institute, UCLouvain) - Welcome
  • 16h10-16h40: Prof Natasha Harvey (University of South Australia, Australia) - Defining the Genetic and Developmental Mechanisms by which Variants in MDFIC Underlie Central Conducting Lymphatic Anomaly
  • 16h40-16h50: Q&A
  • 16h50-17h20: Prof Mat François (Centenary Institute, University of Sydney, Australia) - From the Bedside to the Bench and Back Again: Targeting Transcription in a Rare Vascular Disease.
  • 17h20-17h30: Q&A
  • 17h30-18h00: Prof Gou Young Koh (Institute for Basic Science / Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea) - Exploring Major Lymphatics for Brain Clearance.
  • 18h00-18h10: Q&A
  • 18h10-18h45: Networking drink in front of the Auditorium.

We kindly ask you to register here by Sunday June 23rd, if you wish to participate.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain invaluable insight from renowned scientists in the field of lymph/vascular biomedicine!

You will find attached a list of the speakers’ most relevant publications.

We are looking forward to seeing you with us.

With warm regards,
Organizing committee
Prof Laurence Boon & Prof Miikka Vikkula