Heart Failure Association - Pr. Balligand presents the Dirk Brutsaert Lecture

IREC Bruxelles Woluwe

January 24th, 2020 - Dirk Brutsaert Lecture:

'Cardia nitroso-redox signaling: from unchartered waters to safe haven'

by Pr Jean-Luc Balligand

On the occasion of the Heart Failure Association Winter Meeting - taking place in Switzerland on January 22 - 25, 2020 - Pr. Jean-Luc Balligand, IREC President and responsible for the cardiovascular research group within the pole of the Pharmacology and Therapeutics, presented the Dirk Brutsaert Lecture

The lecture titled 'Cardia nitroso-redox signaling: from unchartered waters to safe haven' and was given on January 24th, 2020.

Publié le 31 janvier 2020