20.11.2019: Signaling via TGFβ receptors — possible targets in tumor treatment

IREC Bruxelles Woluwe

20 novembre 2019



Auditoire F

The lecture will take place on Wednesday, November 20 at 5:00 PM, in the auditorium F on the UCL Health Sciences campus in Brussels. It will be followed by a reception at the de Duve Institute.

Professor Carl-Henrik HELDIN is a world authority in molecular biology and cancer research. A Professor of Molecular Cell Biology at the University of Uppsala, he was the Director of the Uppsala branch of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research and also served as Vice-President of the European Research Council. In 2013, he was elected Chairman of the Nobel Foundation's Board of Directors.

His research focuses on the mechanisms of signal transduction by growth regulatory factors, as well as their normal function and role in disease. In particular, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), a major mitogen for connective tissue cells, and transforming growth factor β (TGFβ), which inhibits the growth of most cell types, are studied. The ultimate goal is to explore the possible clinical utility of signal transduction antagonists for the treatment of malignant diseases.

A contributor to over 600 papers with close to 70,000 citations, Carl-Henrik Heldin has received many scientific awards and academic honors. He chairs or has chaired a large number of scientific advisory boards, including the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and the German Cancer Center in Heidelberg, and the Center for Molecular Medicine in Vienna. A member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2016.

More information is available on the registration page. For security reasons, registration before November 8 is mandatory.