08 mars 2019
The 6th edition of the IREC PhD Day will take place on March 8th 2019 in the Auditoire Maisin. The IREC PhD Day is a great occasion for all PhD students to present and discuss their research and share technical knowledge in a convivial environment. The main goal of this event is to promote interactions between all of us.
Here is how it works: You assist to the event (1 ECTS; ECLI)
- The 1st year PhD students have no special duties ;)
- The 2nd year PhD students present a poster (1 ECTS; ECLI)
- The 3rd year PhD students prepare an oral presentation (1 ECTS; ECLI)
- The 4th year PhD students moderate the oral sessions and participate as a jury member for poster or oral presentation evaluation
- Post-Docs : if you are willing, we would gladly include you to the moderation or jury groups
All participants need to be registered following these recommendations:
- Registration on this website by the 21th of December : https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/irec/phdday-2019-registration.html
- The 2nd and 3rd years should sent their abstracts to phddayirec@gmail.com by the 21th of December
The IREC PhD Day is mandatory for all PhD students and is a great occasion to present and discuss our research and share technical knowledge in a convivial environment.