

Research divisions

  • Cellular and Molecular division (CEMO)
  • Systems and Cognition division (COSY)
  • Clinical Neuroscience division (NEUR)

Members of the institute

The Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS) currently encompasses 325 members:

  • 43 Scientific academics;
  • 32 Clinical academics;
  • 36 Postdoctorate fellows;
  • 133 PhD students;
  • 27 Technical and administrative staff;
  • 15 Clinicians;
  • 39 Scientific collaborators.

The Council

The Council is chaired by Pr. Adrian Ivanoiu and gathers once a year.

The missions of the Council are:

  • to adopt the internal rules of the Institute and its amendments, in compliance with the regulations in force within the University,
  • to submit to the Council of the Health Sciences Sector any proposal for a merger, divisin or modification of the Institute or for its dissolution,
  • to elect the President of the Institute and the President of the Institute's Council,
  • to set the main orientations of the Institute's research policy,
  • to set the general guidelines of the Institute's budget,
  • to appoint members of the permanent academic and scientific staff who will sit on the Institute's executive board according to the terms set out in the Institute's internal rules of procedure,
  • to approve the annual report of the Institute submitted by the President of Institute on behalf of the executive board.

Executive board

The executive board consists of 12 members who gather once a month:

  • Pr. André Mouraux, President of the Institute;
  • Pr. Philippe Gailly, Vice-president of the Institute;
  • Pr. Philippe Lefèvre, Vice-president of the Institute;
  • Pr. Bernard Hanseeuw, Vice-president of the Institute;
  • Pr. Nicolas Tajeddine, Head of CEMO Division;
  • Pr. Yannick Bleyenheuft, Head of COSY Division;
  • Pr. Caroline Huart, Head of NEUR Division;
  • Dr Laurence Dricot and Ms Gwenaëlle Mievis, representatives of the scientific staff of the Institute (CORSCI);
  • Pr. Valéry Legrain, representative of the Proximity Doctoral Commission attached to the IoNS;
  • Ms Nathalie Desmet, representative of the administrative and technical staff of the Institute (PAT);
  • Ms Sonia Miranda Relvas, administrative coordinator of Institute.

The missions of the executive board are:

  • to deliberate and decide on questions of the Institute's policy in compliance with the main orientations of research policies determined by the Council of the Institute,
  • to submit amendments to the internal rules of procedure to the Council of the Institute, if appropriate,
  • to follow the actions of the President of the Institute, in particular in his or her relations with the academic authorities, the sectors, the faculties, other institutes and environments that are external to the University,
  • to lead, animate, coordinate, develop and evaluate research at the Institute,
  • to make sure that its members paricipate in the teaching missions of the University,
  • to ensure the administrative organisation of the Institute,
  • to adopt the Institute's budget in accordance with the guidelines set by the Council,
  • to ensure effective communication of information to the members of the Institute.

Scientific Committee

The scientific committee exerts an advisory task on research policies and is composed of 3 world-class researchers:

Olivier BERTRAND - Director of the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CRNL)

Gaël CHÉTELAT - INSERM Research Director, Physiopathology and Imaging of Neurological Disorders (PhIND), Institute Blood and Brain @ Caen-Normandie, GIP Cyceron, Team "Multimodal neuroimaging and Lifestyle in Aging and Alzheimer’s disease"

Antoine DEPAULIS - INSERM Research Director, Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience (GIN), Université Grenoble Alpes, Team "Functional Neuroimaging and Brain Perfusion"