Core courses
q1+q2 18 credits
q1+q2 30h+30h 2 credits
> Caroline Demeyere (compensates Julie Hermans)
> Julie Hermans
MLSMM2202 Internship with Coaching
Students engaged in the option Professional Immersion in Digital Marketing do not have to register for this course.Foreign languages - advanced level 1 (5 credits)
English is compulsory. The student then chooses Dutch or Spanish (following his Bachelor / preparatory module choice) until the end of his Master's cycle.
q1+q2 0h+30h 2 credits
> Jessica Degroote (coord.)
> Caroline Lambert
> Sabine Vandersmissen (compensates Guy Monfort)
Foreign languages - advanced level 2 (5 credits)
Not to be taken by outgoing exchange students.
q1 30h 3 credits
> Céline Gouverneur (compensates Guy Monfort)
> Quentin Zèques (coord.)
Professional Focus [30.0]
MLSMM2218 Performance Management
Les étudiants partants en échange ne doivent pas s'inscrire à cette unité d'enseignement de la finalité spécialiée à l'UCLouvain mais doivent en trouver l'équivalence dans leur destination d'échange.
Year 1: compulsory major chosen from those on offer at the Mons and Louvain-la-Neuve campuses and two foreign language courses
Year 2: compulsory option, elective and two foreign language courses (for students not going on an exchange)
- Mons students who choose one of the Louvain-la-Neuve campus majors (5 course units (CUs) instead of 6 for Louvain-la-Neuve students) will also have to take the LLSMS2221 Tutoring and In-Depth Study CU.
- Mons students who choose one of the Louvain-la-Neuve campus options will take the LLSMS2221 Tutoring and In-Depth Study CU (the LLSMS2091 Cross-Cultural Competences and Management CU initially intended for Louvain-la-Neuve students with timetable clashes).
- If a Louvain-la-Neuve major and option are combined, the exam board will decide on a case-by-case basis which CU will replace LLSMS2221 as part of the option.
- If your chosen major/option is not available at your main campus, there is travel support on offer.
Major Finance and Transition (Mons) [30.0]
This major takes place during the 6 last weeks of each term.
Term 1
Term 2
Major Auditing & Accounting Expertise (Mons) [30.0]
Term 1
Term 2
Major Tactical & Digital Marketing Decisions (Mons) [30.0]
You can find the major's brochure here.
In partnership with BASF.
This major takes place during the 6 last weeks of each term.
Term 1
Term 2
INEO - Interdisciplinary Program in Entrepreneurship (LLN) [30.0]
INEO is a major offered in 30 Master programmes, in 9 faculties of UCLouvain. It involves the completion of an interfaculty Master's thesis (in team) on a business creation project. Access to this major (as well as to each of the courses) is limited to selected students. All information on https://uclouvain.be/en/study/ineo.
Term 1
INEO Elective courses (5 credits)
Un cours parmi :
Term 2
LINEO2003 Plan d'affaires et étapes-clefs de la création d'entreprise
The LINEO2003 courses are spread over the two annual blocks of the Master. The INEO student has to follow them already in the first year block, but will only be able to register the course in the second year block programme.
INEO Elective courses (5 credits)
1 cours parmi :
LLSMS2080 International Entrepreneurship
Attention: selection of students on the basis of application
Major International Business (LLN) [30.0]
Access to this major is limited to students selected on the basis of an application file. More informations about the selection. You can find the major's brochure here.
This LLN major only contains 2 courses during the first term. Students from the Mons campus wishing to follow it will have the LLSMS2221 course added in order to guarantee the necessary number of credits for this major (30 credits) in their programme.
Term 1
q1 5 credits
Term 2
Major International Finance (LLN) [30.0]
This LLN major only contains 2 courses during the first term. Students from the Mons campus wishing to follow it will have the LLSMS2221 course added in order to guarantee the necessary number of credits for this major (30 credits) in their programme.
Term 1
q1 5 credits
Term 2
Major Marketing Strategy for Connected Brands (LLN) [30.0]
This LLN major only contains 2 courses during the first term. Students from the Mons campus wishing to follow it will have the LLSMS2221 course added in order to guarantee the necessary number of credits for this major (30 credits) in their programme.
Term 1
q1 5 credits
Term 2
Philippe de Woot Major in Corporate Sustainable Management (LLN) [30.0]
This LLN major only contains 2 courses during the first term. Students from the Mons campus wishing to follow it will have the LLSMS2221 course added in order to guarantee the necessary number of credits for this major (30 credits) in their programme.
Term 1
q1 5 credits
Term 2
LSM Mons courses (if no exchange)
Cours au choix [5.0]
L'étudiant partant en échange ne doit pas s'inscrire à un cours au choix.
MLSMM2212 Taxation
Unité d'enseignement obligatoire pour les étudiants ayant pris la majeure et l'option "Révisorat et expertise comptable". Elle sera prise en compte pour les dispenses à l'IRE.
Options (alternative à l'échange)
Option Transport & Logistics (Mons) [15.0]
This option is not available to students who have followed the major Transportation Management and Supply Chain.
Option Entrepreneurship (Mons) [15.0]
Option Professional Immersion in Digital Marketing (Mons) [25.0]
This option is for students who wish to specialize in Digital Marketing. It is given during the two terms of the annual block 2. It must be combined with a major in marketing (followed in annual block 1) and is only accessible on file.
Students engaged in this option do not have to register the classic internship in their program.
MLSMM2234 Professional Immersion in Digital Marketing Internship
This teaching unit replaces the mandatory Master's internship for students enrolled in this option.
MLSMM2231 Digital Data Analysis
This teaching unit takes place in the second semester in parallel with the seminars.
Option Auditing & Accounting Expertise (Mons) [15.0]
MLSMM2140 Ethics & Legal Requirements of External Controls
Teaching unit taken into account for IRE exemptions.
Option Marketing Communication (Mons) [15.0]
Option Marketing Decision (Mons) [15.0]
In partnership with BASF.
This option is not available to students who have followed the major Tactical & Digital Marketing Decisions.
Option Finance and Transition I (Mons) [15.0]
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major Finance and Transition (previously called Financial Management)
Option People Management (LLN) [15.0]
q1 30h 5 credits
> Nathalie Guilmot (compensates Alain Vas)
> Emilie Malcourant (compensates Alain Vas)
q1 5 credits
Option Corporate Finance (LLN) [15.0]
q1 5 credits
Option Marketing Strategy for Connected Brands (LLN) [15.0]
This option is not available to students who have followed the major Marketing Strategy for Connected Brands.
q1 5 credits
Option Consumer Insights (LLN) [15.0]
q1 5 credits
Option Corporate Sustainable Management (LLN) [15.0]
q1 5 credits
Option Sourcing and Procurement (LLN) [15.0]
q1 30h 5 credits
> Constantin Blome
> Canan Kocabasoglu Hillmer (compensates Constantin Blome)
Option International Finance (LLN) [15.0]
q1 5 credits
Option Finance (ICHEC) [15.0]
This option is accessible and compulsory for Master's [120] in Management Sciences students whose application for the LSM-ICHEC double degree has been confirmed at the end of the annual block 1.
EICHE1018 Advanced Financial Analysis and Reporting
UE ICHEC donnée sur leur campus de Bruxelles (site Anjou)
q1 60h 5 credits
q1 60h 5 credits
EICHE1057 Alternative Investment and Advanced Portfolio Management
UE ICHEC donnée sur leur campus de Bruxelles (site Montgomery)
q1 60h 5 credits
Option Tax Systems (ICHEC) [15.0]
For more information, please visit https://www.ichec.be/fr/master-en-gestion-de-lentreprise
Courses are organised during the whole term in the evening.
q1 60h 3 credits
q1 60h 8 credits
q1 60h 4 credits
Option Finance and Transition II (Mons) - for ICHEC students only [15.0]
For ICHEC students only
Exchange (during the 1st term of annual bloc 2)
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, in the first annual block of their Masters programme, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.
MGEST1108 Marketing
Les étudiant·es titulaires d'un diplôme de bachelier en marketing ou en commerce extérieur sont dispensé·es de cette unité d'enseignement.
MGEST1222 Production Management
Les étudiant·es titulaires d'un diplôme de bachelier en gestion des transports et logistique sont dispensé·es de cette unité d'enseignement.
MGEST1325 Accounting and Management Control
Les étudiant·es titulaires d'un diplôme de bachelier en comptabilité sont dispensé·es de cette unité d'enseignement.
MQANT1326 Méthodes quantitatives de gestion
Les étudiant·es titulaires d'un diplôme de bachelier en informatique de gestion sont dispensé·es de cette unité d'enseignement.
Cours au choix (5 credits)
Une seconde langue étrangère à choisir parmi :
q1+q2 0h+45h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Juan Francisco Hernandez Rodriguez (coord.)
> Fernando Juan San Basilio Pardo