Core courses for the Master's degree in biomedical engineering [32.0]
LGBIO2990 Master Thesis
The graduation project can be written and presented in French or English, in consultation with the supervisor. It may be accessible to exchange students by prior agreement between the supervisors and/or the two universities.EN
q1+q2 25 credits
Professional Focus [30.0]
The "professional focus" block of the Master in biomedical engineering offers a series of courses describing the main field of biomedical engineering, from bioinformatics to biomecanics and imaging. It thus consolidates the "general" profile of the program. Students can expect to acquire a deep level of knowledge in each of the disciplines, owing to the large volume of credits devoted to this block.
In the “Options and elective courses in biomedical civil engineering” section, the student must validate at least one of the 5 options. He/she can also validate several.
In the "Options and elective courses in socio-economic knowledge" section, the student validates one of the two options or must choose at least 6 credits from the courses in the option in business issues (maximum one class of innovation may be chosen, maximum one course among those offered by the CPs may be taken into account in these 6 credits).
He or she completes his or her program by choosing from the biomedical engineering options courses and the list of elective courses.
Majors in biomedical engineering
Major in Clinical Engineering
The objective of this major is to provide students with the necessary body of knowledge to work as an engineer in a hospital or in a biomedical products company. It covers areas related to the management of medical technologies, quality control, etc
From 20 to 30credit(s)Content:
Required courses (8 credits)
q2 30h+30h 5 credits
> French-friendly
> Christophe Beauloye
> Benoit Delhaye
> Philippe Lefèvre
Elective courses
LSTAT2330 and WESP2123 are mutually exclusive, so as WFSP2218 and LBIRA2101
From 12 to 22credit(s)FR
q1 30h+7.5h 5 credits
q2 22.5h+7.5h 5 credits
q1 15h+10h 5 credits
q1 20h+10h 4 credits
q1 30h 3 credits
q1 20h+20h 4 credits
Major in acquisition and processing of biomedical data
The objective of this major is to provide students with the necessary body of knowledge to acquire and analyze biomedical data, i.e. either raw signal data or large bases of pre-processed data. This major is especially well-suited for students holding a bachelor in computer science, electricity or applied mathematic
From 20 to 30credit(s)Content:
Required courses (10 credits)
Elective courses
The classes LSTAT2320 and LBIRC2106 are mutually exclusive as are the classes LSTAT 2120 and LBIRA2101.
From 10 to 20credit(s)EN
q1 30h+22.5h 5 credits
> French-friendly
> François Glineur
> Geovani Nunes Grapiglia
q1 30h+7.5h 5 credits
Major in Biomaterials
The goal of this major is to provide students with the necessary body of knowledge to understand and develop technologies related to biomaterials (implants, biocompatibility, etc.). This major is particularly well-suited for students holding a bachelor in applied chemistry and physics AND biomedical engineering.
From 20 to 30credit(s)Content:
Required courses KIMA students
KIMA students must enrol in LGBIO2030 and LBIR1250 except if they took these courses during their undergraduate programme.
From 4 to 9credit(s)LGBIO2030 Biomaterials
This course is mandatory for KIMA students but cannot be chosen by GBIO2M students
Required courses GBIO students
GBIO students must enrol in LMAPR2020 and LMAPR1805 unless they took these courses during their undergraduate (BAC) programme.
From 5 to 10credit(s)FR
q2 30h+30h 5 credits
Recommended courses
Minimum 10 credit(s)FR
q1 25h 3 credits
q2 30h+30h 5 credits
> French-friendly
> Laurent Francis
> Benoît Hackens
> Jean-Pierre Raskin
q1 45h+15h 5 credits
> French-friendly
> Sophie Demoustier
> Alain Jonas
> Evelyne Van Ruymbeke
Elective courses
LGBIO2020 Bioinstrumentation
For GBIO2M students - LGBIO2020 cannot be taken in this option, it must be validated in the finality.
Major in Biomechanics and medical robotics
The goal of this major is to provide students with the necessary body of knowledge to understand and develop technologies related to biomechanics (fluids and solids) and medical robotics (surgical assistance and rehabilitation). This major is particularly well-suited for students holding a bachelor in mechanics.
From 20 to 30credit(s)Content:
Required courses (10 credits)
Elective courses
From 10 to 20credit(s) -
Major in Medical physics and medical imaging
The goal of this major is to provide students with the necessary body of knowledge to understand and develop technologies related to medical physics and medical imaging. This major is particularly well-suited for students holding a bachelor in electricity or applied chemistry and physics.
From 20 to 30credit(s)Content:
Required courses (10 credits)
q2 30h+30h 5 credits
> French-friendly
> Guillaume Janssens
> John Lee
> Edmond Sterpin
Elective courses
From 10 to 20credit(s)FR
q2 30h 3 credits
q1+q2 26h+26h 5 credits
q2 22.5h 3 credits
q1 22.5h 2 credits
q1 10h+5h 2 credits
Cours au choix disciplinaires
Cours au choix disciplinaires
Cours au choix disciplinaires en génie génétique
q2 45h+15h 5 credits
Cours au choix disciplinaires en génie biochimique
q1 30h 3 credits
> French-friendly
> David Alsteens
> Charles Hachez (coord.)
> Pascal Hols
q2 30h 3 credits
Cours au choix disciplinaires en génie pharmaceutique
Cours au choix disciplinaires en statistiques
Ce module en statistique propose des cours utiles pour le traitement de données (laboratoire d'analyse, recherche clinique, contrôle qualité, etc.). Les étudiant·es qui suivent au-moins 45 crédits dans ce module et parmi les cours de statistique des options du master (labels LBIRA, LBIRC, LSTAT, WESP, WFSP) auront un accès direct au 2e bloc annuel du master en statistique, orientation biostatistique [120 crédits]. Plus d'informations concernant cette passerelle via info-stat-actu@uclouvain.be.
q1 15h+15h 4 credits
q2 22.5h+7.5h 5 credits
q2 30h+7.5h 5 credits
q1 15h+7.5h 4 credits
Options et cours au choix en connaissances socio-économiques
Business risks and opportunities
The student who wishes to validate this option must select at least 15 credits among the courses offered (maximum one course among those offered by the CPs can be taken into account in these 15 credits).
This option cannot be taken simultaneously with the “Interdisciplinary training in entrepreneurship - INEO” option.
Cours spécifiques aux enjeux de l'entreprise
LEPL1805 People management [M]
This course cannot be chosen if it has already been validated in the bachelor's degree.
LEPL2210 Ethics and ICT
This course cannot be chosen if the LLSMS2280 course has already been validated.
q1 30h+0h 3 credits
q2 30h 3 credits
LLSMS2280 Business Ethics and Compliance Management
Ce cours ne peut être choisi si le cours LEPL2210 a déjà été validé.
q1 30h 5 credits
Innovation classe
Maximum one innovation class can be chosen.
q1 30h+15h 5 credits
Major in Interdisciplinary Program in Entrepreneurship - INEO
Commune à la plupart des masters de l'EPL, cette option a pour objectif de familiariser l'étudiant·e avec les spécificités de l'entreprenariat et de la création d’entreprise afin de développer chez lui les aptitudes, connaissances et outils nécessaires à la création d'entreprise.
Cette option rassemble des étudiants de différentes facultés en équipes interdisciplinaires afin de créer un projet entrepreneurial. La formation interdisciplinaire en entrepreneuriat (INEO) est une option qui s’étend sur 2 ans et s’intègre dans plus de 30 Masters de 9 facultés/écoles de l’UCLouvain. Le choix de l’option INEO implique la réalisation d’un mémoire interfacultaire (en équipe) portant sur un projet de création d’entreprise. L’accès à cette option, ainsi qu'à chacun des cours, est limité aux étudiant·es sélectionnés sur dossier. Toutes les informations sur https://uclouvain.be/fr/etudier/ineo.
L'étudiant.e qui choisit de valider cette option doit sélectionner au minimum 20 crédits et au maximum 25 crédits. Cette option n'est pas accessible en anglais et ne peut être prise simultanément avec l'option « Enjeux de l'entreprise ».Content:
Cours obligatoires:
LINEO2003 Plan d'affaires et étapes-clefs de la création d'entreprise
Les séances du cours LINEO2003 sont réparties sur les deux blocs annuels du master. L'étudiant doit les suivre dès le bloc annuel 1, mais ne pourra inscrire le cours que dans son programme de bloc annuel 2.
Cours préalable:
q2 30h+15h 5 credits
Other elective courses
Other elective courses
Les étudiant·es peuvent également inscrire à leur programme tout cours faisant partie des programmes d'autres masters de l'EPL moyennant l'approbation du jury restreint.
Students may select from any language course offered at the ILV. Special attention is placed on the following seminars in professional development:
Group dynamics
q1 15h+30h 3 credits
q2 15h+30h 3 credits
Autres UEs hors-EPL
L'étudiant·e peut choisir maximum 8 crédits de cours hors EPL, considérés comme non-disciplinaires par la commission de programme.