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Open Access @ UCLouvain

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There are several options open to you for Open Access at UCLouvain:

  • Deposit your works in the institutional repository When you deposit a work in, you must fill in the bibliographic data and add the full text. You can then choose what type of access readers will have to your work: free access = open access - embargoed access (= access forbidden during the embargo period, which automatically becomes free at the end of the embargo period) - restricted access (= access limited to the UCLouvain community = anyone connected to the UCLouvain network) and forbidden access (access forbidden except to DIAL administrators).

Pay attention, however, to comply with the requirements of the FWB decree of 2018, which requires you to place all your ARTICLES published in periodicals in open access or under embargo, the latter not exceeding 6 months in SST and SSS and 12 months in SSH).

Pay attention if you are funded by a European fund: you must deposit all your peer-reviewed publications (not just articles) in the institutional repository in immediate open access (no embargo possible) and maintain your copyright (publication under CC BY licence).

  • Publish in a journal edited by the institution's scientific committees and available for consultation on the OJS (open journal system) platform. As a reader, you have free access to all the articles published; as an author, you can ask to be published in these open access journals; and as a publisher, you can have your journal hosted on the platform.

  • Follow a training the understand all the best practices to publish in Open Access via the training catalogue of the libraries