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Select an Open access journal

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Find an open access journal

In addition to the criteria to be taken into account when choosing a journal that suits your research subject (audience, disciplinary or multidisciplinary, language, circulation, acceptance rate, etc.) and that complies with your legal and institutional obligations and those linked to your funding (Horizon Europe, FWB decree, maintaining your copyright, etc.), finding an Open Access journal while keeping certain points in mind can be a useful tool.

Here are a few tips:

Consult the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) an online directory of more than 21.000 high quality open access journals worldwide. A journal listed in DOAJ complies with ethical and professional standards and guarantee a high-quality peer-review process. In particular, it will tell you whether the journal asks for APCs, how much they are on average, what their copyright policy is, etc 

Think check submit offers a checklist and tools to help researchers publish in a quality open access journal

Consult OJS (Open Journal system) to find diamant open access journals

Open Research Europe can also publish your work in Open Access, guaranteeing a transparent and open peer review process

Above all don't think that Open Access = APC! There are many publishers/journals that do not ask authors for APC. If we stick to the basic values of Open Access, these are the ones we should be favouring. 

Pitfalls to avoid:

Hybrid journals: Some publishers who offer their journals by subscription also ask authors to pay to make their article directly available in Open Access. This is known as hybrid publishing (some journals are Open Access, others are not). These publishers multiply their profits by combining the subscription formula for readers and the payment of APC for authors wishing to publish in Open Access. These publishers should be avoided because they support a model based on profit rather than the free dissemination of knowledge.

Predatory publishers/journals: some publishers/journals offer to publish articles quickly for a derisory or even astronomical sum and do not provide any editorial services. Their sole aim is to make a profit, and they undermine scientific integrity. Read the page Recognise and avoid predatory journals for more information