Archives for ELI


Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron...

Hydrothermal alteration is near-ubiquitous at volcanoes worldwide and is thought to promote volcano instability and flank collapse. However, hydrothermal alteration can manifest as the dissolution/partial replacement of primary minerals within the rock, leading to an increase in...
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ELIE seminar

A novel method for Layered Media Reconstructions...

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Chaire Francqui

Tree carbon uptake under climate change: interacting...

Le 24 novembre prochain, le Prof. David Ellsworth (chaire Francqui), spécialiste des interactions sols-écosystèmes-atmosphère (d'un point de vue expérimental et en modélisation), donnera une conférence de 9h15 à 10h au B059 Carnoy, sur le thème “Tree carbon uptake under climate...
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Cours LENVI2002

Economie circulaire by Vincent Truyens

Vincent Truyens présentera " Economie circulaire"
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ELIE seminar

Physically based hydrological modelling and High...

Hydrological modelling has experienced a transition from phenomenological and observation-matching modelling approaches into process and physics based formulations. The are many reasons for this, including the need of specific spatially-explicit quantitative information, dealing with a changing...
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