Archives for ELI


ELIE seminar

The city with a bicycle metric, a solution to urban...

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Défense de thèse

Measuring Grassland Use Intensity by Remote Sensing for...

Grasslands cover about one-third of the global ice-free land surface and deliver crucial ecosystem services. The state of grasslands and the balance between provisioning and regulating ecosystem services are largely determined by grassland use intensity. A better characterization of grassland...
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Défense de thèse

Surface Gravity Modelling and Space Gravimeter...

Small bodies in the Solar System hold an exciting position in the family of celestial bodies, as they might play a key role in understanding the formation of our heliocentric system, and, ultimately, life. Unlike (terrestrial) planets and larger natural satellites (moons), small bodies have...
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Défense de thèse

Soil organic carbon prediction using satellite imagery...

The concern about the role of soils in the global carbon budget and the effects of soil organic carbon (SOC) decline on soil quality has been incorporated in international treaties. Initiatives such as ‘4 per mille Soils for Food Security and Climate’ or ‘The Farm to Fork’ strategy are being...
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Remote sensing for soils

  11:00 – 11:25 Arwyn Jones (EU Joint Research Centre) The need for remote sensing for soils from a policy perspective 11:25 – 11:50 Uta Heiden (German Aerospace Center) Remote sensing for croplands at the regional scale 11:50 – 12:15 Sabine Chabrillat (GFZ German research center...
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