Archives for ELI
January 10, 2023
Défense de thèse
Simulations in support of the RISE and LaRa experiments...
After their formation, the Earth and Mars might have been very similar but today, contrary to the Earth, Mars is a very dry planet without plate tectonics and with a tenuous atmosphere of CO2 mainly. Understanding the structure of the interior of Mars is very important to provide new information...
Click to know more December 20, 2022
Défense de thèse
Further development in cosmogenic radionuclide...
Cosmogenic radionuclides accumulate at the Earth’ surface as a function of time and depth. They can be used to constrain the age and the deposition mode of fluvial deposits.
Occupied by the braided channels of the Meuse during the Middle Pleistocene, the (eastern) Campine plateau resisted the...
Click to know more December 16, 2022
Climate change : from the past tot the future by Thoams...
Polar ice cores are a unique archive of past climate change. Both Antarctica and Greenland have transformed our understanding of how the Earth System works. An ongoing European project in Antarctica will provide unique information on the grand transition from the 40,000- to 100,000- year...
Click to know more December 13, 2022
Cours LENVI2002
Communication on the Environmental crises by the Belgian...
Daisy de Hults, Experte communication sur les crises environnnementales au SPF Health, Environment, présentera " Communication on the Environmental crises by the Belgian federal administration: challenges and aims"
Click to know more December 08, 2022
ELIE seminar
Monitoring of hydrosedimentary fluxes at the scale of...
Since 2012, hydrological and sedimentary data are collected on an agricultural catchment in Wallonia. In the meantime, two other catchments have been instrumented. The data of these 3 catchments have been collected for all this time and the main objective is to compile, process and analyse them....
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