Archives for IMCN


IMCN seminar - Prof. Joe SCHLENOFF

IMCN SEMINAR « Processing Polyelectrolyte Complexes With Salt » Prof. Joe SCHLENOFF Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry The Florida State University ABSTRACT Polymers have various mechanisms for interacting with each other, the most common is through entanglement at high...
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IMCN thesis defence - Mathieu SOETENS

  IMCN Thesis Defence Mathieu SOETENS "Development of transition metal catalyst for bioorthogonal reactions" Cancer is a metabolic disease characterized by immortal cells which develop in a non-controlled and anarchic fashion after...
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IMCN seminar - Prof. André BRACK

André Brack L'astrobiologie: de l'origine de la vie sur Terre à la recherche de vie extraterrestre. Astrobiology: from the origin of life on Earth to the search of extraterrestrial life.   On Earth, life appeared in water about 4 billion years ago, with simple organic...
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IMCN seminar - Prof. Mansour SHAYEGAN

Prof. Mansour SHAYEGAN Dept. of Electrical Engineering - Princeton University   There has been a surge of recent interest in the physics of interacting 2D electrons in a large perpendicular magnetic field when they occupy a half-filled Landau level. The long ago proposed composite...
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IMCN thesis defence - Guillaume STAELENS

IMCN THESIS DEFENCE Guillaume STAELENS « Manufacture and characterization of self-assemblies of functionalized nanowires»   In nature, many organisms have the ability to adapt and change their structural configuration at the nanoscopic level, providing them an...
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