Archives for IMCN


IMCN thesis defence - LI Xiao

Accessing Gas Adsorption Micro- and Macroscopically by in situ Powder Diffraction Gas adsorption is a spontaneous interaction that occurs on the interface between the gas and a condensed phase. In this project, we propose a new methodology based on in situ diffraction to obtain...
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IMCN thesis defence

Encapsulation of Commensal Skin Bacteria in Soft Patches Based on Layer-by-Layer Assembly by Wanlin XU The commensal skin bacterium Staphylococcus epidermidis provides a range of benefits to human hosts, contributing to skin equilibrium and good health. However, it can also act as a...
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IMCN Seminar - Prof. Raphaël LEVY

"Interactive seminar on practical dilemme in the life of a scientistist trying to do the right thing" ABSTRACT The workshop will be in two sections. In the first half, we will discuss various dilemma that scientists, and in particular young scientists, encounter in their professional...
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IMCN thesis defence - Xuelian LIU

  Inorganic Cathode Materials for Rechargeable Batteries from Lithium to Sodium Storage Lithium-ion battery (LIB) as a powerful energy storage system is used to power many things from mobile phones to electric vehicles. The harvested green but intermittent solar and wind...
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IMCN thesis defence - Jiande WANG

High voltage organic positive electrode materials for alkali-ion batteries The quest for green and sustainable energy storage systems has brought about the need for a material system that can satisfy the following requirements: low cost of production, environmental benignity,...
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