Archives for IMMC


TFL Seminar

3D unsteady aerodynamics for wind turbines, from airfoil...

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Public Thesis defense

Development and application of poly(ionic liquid)...

For the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology In the current climate crisis, CO2 capture and utilization appears to be essential in achieving the climate targets and promoting the transition towards a society entirely relying on renewable energies. Among the alternatives,...
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Mechanics of material and immaterial interfaces:...

What do two ice cubes, a cracked wall and a car accident have in common? Mechanics is made of material but also immaterial movements. This is the case of the propagation of a crack or a solidification front. These movements are carried out without mass. Mechanics is therefore important even...
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Public Thesis defense

Conception et caractérisation expérimentale d'un...

Pour l'obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie La gazéification est un procédé de conversion thermochimique de la biomasse utilisée dans des applications de production de chaleur et d’électricité. Ce procédé est prometteur dans un environnement ouest africain...
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Public Thesis defense

Dissimilar AI6061 to AI7075 and AI to Ti friction stir...

For the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is a solid state (without fusion) welding technique involving no filler material. Patented for the first time in 1991 by The Welding Institute (Cambridge, UK), it consists in the mixing of the...
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