Archives for IMMC
November 28, 2022
Public Thesis defense
Formation of nitrogen oxides in the combustion of...
For the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology
The minimization of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions is among the major concerns of combustion-related processes, together with the adverse effects related to the emission of greenhouse gases. NOx emission control can become very...
Click to know more November 24, 2022
GCE Seminar
Hydrothermal alteration and the stability of volcanic...
Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble: The influence of hydrothermal alteration on the stability of a volcano
Hydrothermal alteration is near-ubiquitous at volcanoes worldwide and is thought to promote volcano instability and flank collapse. However, hydrothermal...
Click to know more November 21, 2022
Online presentation
The X-MESH method for capturing interfaces
In this presentation, we develop an innovative approach - X-MESH - to overcome a major difficulty associated with numerical simulation in engineering: we aim to provide a revolutionary way to track physical interfaces in finite element simulations. The idea is to use so-called extreme mesh...
Click to know more November 18, 2022
Public Thesis defense
Stability of Flapping Flight Dynamics of Large Birds by...
For the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology
Birds have inspired human innovation and technology for centuries. The first documented human flying attempt dates back the late 800, from Abbas ibn Firnas who created what is considered the first aviation experiment. Later in...
Click to know more November 18, 2022
Nonlinear flight dynamics studies of airliner upset by...
The presentation will start with some background into the basic principles of nonlinear flight dynamics, followed by a description of airliner upset and loss-of-control problems: their relevance, how they are manifested and potential causes. Then continuation methods and bifurcation analysis...
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