Archives for INGI

INGI Seminar - On the Dynamic Compilation and...

A recent innovation in data plane technologies is programmable switch pipelines, whereas switches adopt a reconfigurable data plane, like a programmable ASIC (Intel FlexPipe, RMT), NPU (Cavium XPA), or a software library (Intel DPDK), that can implement a great variety of different packet...
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INGI Seminar - Zero-trust networking implementation for...

The traditional approach to networking security is to use a firewall based on Layer3/Layer4 information. However, the industry has evolved over the last decade from monolithic predictive processes that would translate to a couple network endpoints to the massive scaling that you get today...
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Semiring Rank Matrix Factorisation by Thanh Le Van, KU...

Semiring Rank Matrix Factorisation by Thanh Le Van (KU Leuven) Abstract. Rank data, in which each row is a complete or partial ranking of available items (columns), is ubiquitous. It can be used to represent, for instance, preferences of users, the levels of gene expression, and the outcomes...
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Design of declarative tools for Sequential pattern...

The main advantage of Constraint Programming (CP) approaches for sequential pattern mining (SPM) is their modularity, which includes the ability to add new constraints (regular expressions, length restrictions, etc). However, the existing CP-based approaches are not as scalable as some of the...
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SMAPP : Towards Smart Multipath TCP-enabled APPlications...

Multipath TCP was designed and implemented as a backward compatible replacement for TCP. For this reason, it exposes the standard socket API to the applications that cannot control the utilisation of the different paths. This is a key feature for applications that are unaware of the multipath...
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