Archives for INGI
February 18, 2019
INGI Seminar
Interoperability-Guided Testing of QUIC Implementations using Symbolic Execution
By Felix Rath, PhD student at the COMSYS chair at RWTH Aachen University
The main reason for the standardization of network protocols, like QUIC, is to ensure interoperability between implementations, which...
Click to know more February 13, 2019
INGI Seminar
Visualization of Dynamic and Complex Data: from Hierarchical Time Series to Multilayer Graphs
By Erick CUENCA, Postdoctoral researcher at UCLouvain
The analysis of complex data, large and from different sources (e.g. internet, social networks, etc.) is a difficult task. However, it remains...
Click to know more January 30, 2019
INGI Seminar
À propos d'une famille d'algorithmes pour compresser/abstraire une table de valeurs en une table de conditions sur/entre ces valeurs
par Baudouin Le Charlier, professeur ordinaire émérite à l'université catholique de Louvain
Le problème discuté dans cette présentation a potentiellement de...
Click to know more January 07, 2019
ICTEAM - Public Thesis defense - Olivier Tilmans
Improving network flexibility
Computer networks are deeply ingrained in our daily lives. We rely on them to place audio calls, to watch movies, or even to automate parts of our houses. Each of these use-cases comes with its own requirements to ensure its proper operation and generates unique...
Click to know more December 05, 2018
INGI Seminar
Transparent Speculation in Geo-Replicated Transactional Data Stores
by Zhongmiao Li, a PhD student at INGI department of UCLouvain
This work presents Speculative Transaction Replication (STR), a protocol that exploits transparent speculation techniques to enhance performance of...
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