Archives for LFIN

PhD Training

Identification Strategies in Finance with Murillo Campello

This thorough PhD level class covering modern empirical work is co-organized by Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven), Ghent University, University of Antwerp (UA), Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), University of Liege (ULiège), University of Saint-Louis (SLU), and Vlerick...
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PhD Training

LFIN PhD course on Macro Finance

Keynote Speakers Cynthia Wu (Chicago Booth) Drew Creal (Chicago Booth) Course outline This short-course covers relevant topics in Macro Finance related to term structure modelling, zero lower bound and stochastic volatility. This two days course will theoretical parts (morning)...
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UCLouvain Finance Seminar

Plazzi Alberto, Swiss Finance Institute

Birds of a Feather – do Hedge Fund Managers Flock Together? Plazzi Alberto, Swiss Finance Institute Using mandatory filings on the universe of UK hedge funds, we analyze the effect of managerial networks based on past employment. Employment in the same industry and employment in the same firm...
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UCLouvain Finance Seminar

Andrea Vedolin, London School of Economics

Model-free International Stochastic Discount Factors Andrea Vedolin, London School of Economics We provide a theoretical characterization of international stochastic discount factors (SDFs) in incomplete markets under different degrees of market segmentation. Using 40 years of data on a...
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UCLouvain Finance Seminar

Michael V. Pykthin, Federal Reserve Bank

Credit Exposure in the Presence of Initial Margin Michael V.  Pykhtin, Federal Reserve Board It has been widely believed that mandatory posting of initial margin (IM) required by the BCBS-IOSCO margin rules should effectively eliminate counterparty risk from bilateral trading. We apply...
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