Identification Strategies in Finance with Murillo Campello

May 15, 2018

May 16, 2018


KULeuven Campus, Room 6306

This thorough PhD level class covering modern empirical work is co-organized by Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven), Ghent University, University of Antwerp (UA), Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), University of Liege (ULiège), University of Saint-Louis (SLU), and Vlerick Business School. For concreteness, the course is designed to help students understand how to operationalize empirical research on topics that are central to empirical finance and business, with particular focus to corporate finance. The overarching goal is to expose students to “state-of-the-art” empirical research methods and prepare them to conduct their own work using new tools. All students with an interest in finance, economics, accounting, human resources, and related disciplines are welcome to take it.

Murillo Campello

Prof. Campello is an internationally recognized scholar of financial economics. Campello’s papers have dealt with issues such as the impact of market imperfections on companies, the limits of the firm, product markets, corporate capital structure, monetary policy transmission, financial crises, econometrics, and more. His work has been cited by prominent policy authorities such as the Federal Reserve chairman, mentioned in Congressional hearings, described in the “Economic Report of the President,” and used to advise the U.S. Supreme Court. His recent work on the financial crisis has been widely featured in the financial press (Financial Times, Reuters, The Wall Street Journal), books, and academic outlets.


May 15, 2018

  • Morning Session (9h-12h, with 2 breaks): Course Introduction & Endogeneity & Treatment Effects Framework
  • Afternoon Session (14h-17h, with 2 breaks): Difference Estimators

May 16, 2018

  • Morning Session (9h-12h, with 2 breaks): Instrumental Variables & LATE Estimators
  • Afternoon Session (14h-17h, with 2 breaks): Regression Discontinuity Design & Matching Estimators

Practical Information

How to register

Registration is a three-step process:

  1. Send your CV to by May 1, 2018 at the latest.
  2. Upon acceptance, please fill in the registration form
  3. If applicable, transfer the registration fees either by Paypal or by bank transfer. Please read on for more information.

Registration Fees

  • Free for members of KU Leuven, UGent, UAntwerpen, UCLouvain, ULiège, USL-B, and Vlerick Business School
  • €200 for PhD students;
  • €400 for postdocs or academics;
  • €800 for others.

Registration costs cover only the 2-day course, the course material, breakfasts and lunches.

Fees can either be paid by:

  • Paypal (please refer to the bottom of the page for the payment form) or
  • Bank transfer:
    • Please send an email to Anne-Marie Pessleux with mentioning your name, invoicing address and the amount you need to pay so that we can send you an invoice.
    • Proof of payment need to be sent to by May 9 to Anne-Marie Pessleux


KULeuven Campus, Room 6306 Stormstraat 2 - 1000 Brussels

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