Vision and missions



The Faculty of Bioscience Engineering (AGRO Louvain) is an international leader in bioengineering sciences and technical education, offering courses that empower future graduates to meet the social and environmental challenges of the 21st century.


The Faculty of Bioscience Engineering performs three missions.


The faculty educates students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in bioengineering as well as master’s degree and doctoral students specialising in agricultural sciences, chemistry and bioindustries, and environmental, forest management and natural areas sciences and technologies. In all of these subjects the faculty also offers lifelong learning programmes. Currently, a total of 940 students are registered for faculty programmes, including 620 bachelor’s degree students.

The faculty cultivates personal development and social responsibility, and promotes natural resource development that is sensible and respectful of the biosphere.

The faculty prepares students to become decision-makers, entrepreneurs and private and public managers capable of meeting food, environmental, energy and public health challenges in local, regional and global socio-economic contexts.


Both fundamental and applied research – forces that drive a UCL education – are carried out by three institutes :

  • Earth and Life Institute (ELI) ;
  • Life Sciences Institute (ISV) ;
  • Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences (IMCN).

Serving society

This mission is pursued via consulting, field outreach and lifelong learning programmes.
More than 400 Faculty of Bioscience Engineering staff work to achieve these three missions.