Course schedules


Course schedules are available in calendar form:

How to consult your course schedules and exams on ADE

Step 1: Log in

User name: etudiant
Password: student
Project: 2019-2020

Step 2: Consult a course schedule

To consult schedules, always click on the arrow and not on the headings

1. To consult the schedule for your study year, click:

- Trainees
- Cycle 1 (Bachelor), Cycle 2 (Master)
- Select your annual block (i.e. year: 1, 2, 3)
- Choose your programme

2. For a quick search for a class schedule, type the course code in the search tab (top left) and click on the binoculars icon.

Good to know

  • Trainees = years of study
  • Trainers = instructors, professors
  • Rooms = lecture halls
  • A course code followed by a dash (-1, -2, -3, etc.) means that it is a formal lecture (e.g. LFIAL1120-1).
  • A course code followed by an underscore (_11, _12, _13, etc.) means that it is a work session or laboratory work (e.g. LFIAL1120_11 = work session)

In case of a problem
The key elements of an email inquiry to the schedule manager

When you want to send us a message (FIAL Reservation: concerning any change, we would be grateful if you followed the example below. The faculty manages the schedules of all course programmes, thus it is important that we identify your concern very quickly.

Message subject:

  • COURSE CODE (as you will see, the programme only works by course code; even if the titles are present, they are not part of the search criteria).


  • Course date to change
  • Current lecture hall
  • Desired date
  • Desired schedule
  • Additional information: computer lab, DATA, clip-on microphone, retro, double retro ...