News for moocs

Discover Policital Science: new course!

A new LouvainX course in English is starting on September 26: Discover Political Science! This course was among the first ones developed, in French, by UCLouvain in 2013. It has been running on for 5 years, offering 10 runs to thousands of global learners joining UCLouvain students....
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MOOCs highlighted for the Doctor honoris causa 2018...

The Université catholique de Louvain celebrates, each year, some leading figures distinguishing themselves in making the world better. In 2018, the chosen topic is Digital Worlds. Three personalities will receive the honorary distinction of Doctor honoris causa. Amongst them, Anant Agarwal, CEO...
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Our youngest: International Investment Law

Our last designed online course was launched two days ago, on October 2nd. Taught by Pr. Yannick Radi, it invites to learn the features and dynamics of an important field of international law that grants rights to foreign investors to foster States’ development. Being the fourth of a series,...
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UCLouvain MOOCs vision for 2017-2020

The steering committee launched a strategic plan for a second phase of Louvain moocXperience project (2017-2020), after a first 4 years exploration period (2013-2017). See more details on the following infographics. This news phase starts with a call for projects (June - September 2017)...
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NEW: International Humanitarian Law (March 21st)

New MOOC starting in March 2017! Learn how international law regulates armed conflicts, protects individuals in wartime, including terrorism, and guarantees minimum compliance. > More info and enrollment This MOOC is part of the edX International Law MicroMasters.
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