Louvain Bionics - New definition & mission statement

Initially very much centered around the questions of movement and robotic assistance, the scope of Louvain Bionics' activities has broadened to encompass new disciplines such as cognitive neurosciences or digital technologies. A new definition and a revised mission statement have therefore been proposed:

About us :

Louvain Bionics brings together about 28 researchers from the three academic sectors of UCLouvain – i.e. engineers, doctors, physiotherapists, neuropsychologists, ethicists and philosophers – based in Brussels (Woluwe) and Louvain-la-Neuve.

Louvain Bionics’ approach is based on a close connection with UCLouvain’s clinics and technological platforms (CREDEM and OpenHub), allowing for a strong interaction between clinicians, researchers, designers and users/patients.

About our mission:

Our mission is to improve patient care by boosting knowledge on how technology can best assist the human body and brain. To achieve this, Louvain Bionics promotes interdisciplinary, collaborative research and public outreach, building bridges between disciplines within UCLouvain and beyond.

About our research:

Our research goals are to:

  1. Improve our understanding of the human-device interaction
  2. Oversee the design and validation of medical device prototypes.

Published on June 03, 2019