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Progress in Parkinson's disease research: from the...

Dr. Jean-Marc Tayman belongs to the research group in neurobiology and gene therapy at the KULeuven. Eminent specialist of Parkinson's disease, he will present the latest advances of his research.
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Conférence COSY : " Why do we smell ? How does smell...

Le Prof. Thomas Hummel présentera une conférence intitulée " Why do we smell ? How does smell work ? And what can we do if the sense of smell goes bad ? " . Cet événement prendre place à l'UCL (Salle Albert Couvreur), le jeudi 26 septembre, à 17...
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Table ronde européenne autour du "Règlement sur la...

Le Comité scientifique  des sciences Médicales Europe organise une table ronde au Parlement européen, en collaboration avec  l’Alliance européenne pour la médecine personnalisée (EAPM), la Wellcome Trust, et la Fédération...
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Conférence : " The functional architecture of human...

Le Prof. Kalanit GRILL-SPECTOR présentera une conférence intitulée The functional architecture of human ventral temporal cortex and its role in visual perception.
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Neural correlates of physical and social causality...

From Philipps-University Marburg, Kim Wende, PhD, will give a talk entitled "Neural correlates of physical and social causality judgments in response to animated visual stimuli:  a set of fMRI experiments involving healthy subjects and patients with schizophrenia"
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